Slippery Saturday
It's a quiet day around here, as few people are out and about. We've been under a winter storm warning all day, but only recently has it started to work it's magic--sleet, freezing rain, and other yuck. I much prefer the snow, as I know it won't bring down the trees and electric lines. And there's nothing worse than an over-confident Indiana driver on black ice. All the more reason to stay home, knit, and watch something on the dish or the dvd player.I've promised pix of the felted totebag created with a double strand of Brown Sheep's Handpaint Originals (color HP50--English Garden) for a couple days now.

and here's a close up of the felted fabric

It did take 17 full hanks and a tiny smidgen of another to create the bag. I used the yarn doubled throughout, and each hank is only 88 yards, so they don't go very far. As I mentioned earlier, it is a special order for a friend who's an artist and lives out north of Indy. She makes beautiful and fun jewelry and we both have our finished art for sale at the Frank Basile Gift Shop at the Indianapolis Art Center, located in the Broad Ripple neighborhood of Indy. Broad Ripple is a fun, funky, and eclectic area on the north side of town. She and I also market our wares at the Broad Ripple Art Fair each Mother's Day weekend. This tends to be the last big hurrah for our goods until the weather cools off, as who shops for felted wool items in the heat of an Indiana summer?
In the top picture, the bag rests on a scarf I knitted out of yarn I hand-dyed myself a couple weeks ago. The base fiber is Cascade Yarns' Leisure in the bulky weight. Loyal blog readers may remember that Joe knit a hooded sweater for his neice out of the purple worsted weight version of this same yarn. It's a definite treat to work with, in my opinion, as the yarn is a boucle that's 50% pima cotton and 50% alpaca. Knit up it feels like a cushy terry towel, but nicer. And because of the alpaca, it's WARM. I dyed the yarn in the hank with a variety of colors with fall in my mind. I've gotten several compliments on the finished item, so I'm definitely going to dye more and knit more. Since it's so quiet around here today, I may pull out the dyeing stuff and hit the kitchen for a marathon later today, depending on what Matt's plans are for working vs. relaxation. We did get in 30 hanks of the Bulky Leisure last Friday, so I should get hoppin. The last dyeing I did was of this colorway and another that was featured in Matt's blog back in January on the 13th. My work is in the middle--the blond colors, as Matt calls them.
Off to go knit some more. I'm making a bunch of felted hats this weekend, as I've been on hat strike since January 1. I made entirely too many of them over the holidays, as they seemed to sell very well this year. It was all I could do to keep up with the stock as the holidays drew closer, so I haven't made any since then. Back on the production wagon for me. Write me, as I'd love to hear from you and read your feedback.