Test Knitters Wanted
How's that for an intro? Seriously--I've made enough progress on the "top secret project" that I'm designing that it's time to test the pattern. I will finish my prototype of the project today or tomorrow and I'll write up the instructions early in the week. Here's a progress check on my version
I'm very pleased with how it's turning out, and I think the finished/felted version will be quite fun. I'll know shortly, as I'll felt it immediately after it's done. So here's the deal on the test knitting:
- We will provide the yarn and pattern for you at no cost (to two people). We'll even mail it to you on us.
- One will be knitted using four or five shades of Cascade 220 and the other in a single colorway of Noro Kureyon. Most likely you will have some say in what colors you're sent (maybe pick from two or three options) but we reserve the right to make the ultimate color choices.
- You will test knit the pattern and report back to me with any inconsistencies, clarifications you think should be made, or problem areas in the directions.
- You will be under a time crunch/deadline--we'll mail out things the middle of next week (Wednesday, August 6th) and you will have two weeks to knit and felt the project. We will need your feedback no later than Monday, August 25th. (that includes a picture of the finished work, so I know you've finished and can make comments based on the full experience)
- When everything is completed, you will get to keep the finished project at no expense to you (other than your time). We would greatly appreciate, however, your taking a picture of your finished work and granting us permission to use it (I'll be doing two or three versions that will be the cover art for the pattern, but we might use your version in other means).
- The choice is going to be a total random selection in lottery format if we get multiple volunteers. We will put all names into a "hat" and an independent third party (not Matt or myself) will pull a name from each of the two options.
- We insist you have fun knitting and using your finished project
- It would be good (but not required) if you have prior experience with the entrelac technique and with felting--in your e-mail to us to volunteer, VERY BRIEFLY let us know what you've done in each of these two arenas.
You have between now--Saturday, August 2nd--and Wednesday, August 6th at 12 noon EST to put your name in for consideration using the special e-mail address in the previous paragraph. The yarn will leave Indiana that afternoon. Please do not e-mail either of us through the usual channels, do not volunteer in the comments, do not volunteer in the tag board--only those sent via e-mail can be considered (sorry to be a pain in the toches, but I'm trying to simplify the process for everyone). Let's make this a fun endeavor and a way to do some interesting knitting!
In case you haven't figured it out, we're developing a line of ThreadBear patterns to be made available in the coming months. Some will be designed by the two of us, but others are being designed by some rather fun and talented folks who we have approached, who have approached us, or who have ideas but may not have had a venue for them until now. I'm completely excited about the possibility of offering unique, fun, classic, simple, different, engaging, challenging ....... patterns for knitters, and this is a first step out into that arena. Hey, when traditional sources give you chaff, you find the wheat elsewhere, right? (got an idea for a project--drop me a note and we'll talk--seriously).
Thanks for reading, and thanks for considering this request! Happy Saturday!