Better Late Than Never?
So, maybe my idea of "tomorrow" is different than yours. Or maybe I live on a different calendar. Or maybe it's not good to promise a Saturday post to your blog when you own
a yarn shop, a busy yarn shop. So you get a Sunday morning post instead (although I promised myself I'd be working on
Swedish Thora this morning). Hopefully I'll get to knock out a couple lines on it shortly, as it's not good shop knitting (I cast on last night for something mindless for shop knitting for later today, while I'm teaching Day 2 of "Intro To Socks", where we turn heels, pick up gussets, and work the decreases into the foot).
Yes, another 11 boxes of yarn appeared at
the shop on Friday. A comment was made by me and seconded by staff yesterday that maybe we should stop with the constant ordering and delivery of yarns (especially brand-new yarns) for a little bit, as the shop is getting "full up to the gills" (her line, not mine). There may be some truth in what she said, but who am I to stop ordering? We did empty out a good bit after the bit weekend sale a couple weeks ago, but empty racks and/or space to construct new ones is at a premium, even in our 6,500 square feet of space.
Let's go chronologically for Friday. While I wasn't there at the very beginning of the day, it appears that Mr. DHL was

Those two boxes were in Montevideo, Uruguay, on Wednesday the 14th and landed in Lansing, Michigan, at 9:05 a.m. on Friday. I am often amazed at the swift service of delivery companies--they can get packages around the globe in 48 hours, but the US Postal Service sometimes has trouble with a copy of "
The Wonderful Wallaby" and getting it to Louisville within two weeks. URGH.....don't get me started.
On a happier note, what you see is the remainder of our wool order that we placed in early February, which was for over 60 bags of the merino, a couple bags of each of two shades of the chunky (bulky), and some pattern support for the worsted. On top of the boxes you'll see two shades of chunky--Vaa (deep greens) and Stonechat (browns/rusts). The Vaa is destined to be
Amy's fantastic
Emerald, from
Knitty. Not because it's green, but because there's low contrast in the colors, which I think is important for using a hand-dyed yarn in a stitch pattern like cables. The other shade, Stonechat, was going to languish on the shelves here at the shop until I spent some time wandering down memory lane, reading through
the archives of the blog of a
very dear friend of ours. She reminded me of a
great design by the
fabulous Bonne Marie. Yahoo! Two great projects to work on in the upcoming weeks!
Keeping with the Uruguayan theme, we did receive a nice shipment of four boxes just CRAMMED FULL of goodies from Design Source, the US distributor of
Manos del Uruguay yarns and supporting patterns.

I'm completely in lust with the three newest shades, seen here in the very center of the photo on top (purples mix, plum/tan mix, and blues/greys/tans mix), but there's almost no shade of this yarn I can't love. We're starting a "Block of the Month" group (free of charge) at
the shop this coming Saturday, so we picked up some fresh stock to support that and the other Manos addicts in the area. Feeding was fast and furious on this stuff early Saturday morning, even before it was stickered (we left it out Friday night instead of keeping it in the back stockroom).
Keeping in the hand-dyed theme but sticking a little closer to home, a heavy box arrived after a one-day trip from
these talented folks

Yup, that's Dream in Color yarns, and we now have over 100 hanks of the worsted and several of the sock on the shelves. It's 100% merino superwash that can even take a little trip through the dryer, too (only until just damp, not until BONE dry). It's a lovely yarn that's almost solid but not quite, and we ordered it because of that trait (that and the fact that our friend and part-time staffer Suann demanded it, because one of her daughters would look FAB in one of the blue shades). I scored a hank of the sock yarn in the most amazing SPRING green that's destined to be on my feet soon--I even did the gauge swatch last night at our knit night at
the shop (see, sock class participants--even I swatch, especially with a new yarn). I look forward to lots and lots more of their yarns in the near future, as I already placed a couple orders based on how pretty this box was.
If it's socks you want, then we're the place to go! Another big batch of German stuff arrived this week

That's a mountain of Trekking, Step, and Fortissima/Socka Disco (yes, with a glitter strand spun it). I'll do a shot of the well-packed sock racks shortly, as we have had a TON of sock yarn arrive this week (lots of new Meilenweit, all of the above, plus more Cherry Tree Hill Supersock and her brand-new Supersock DK, which is nummy!, not to mention more from Meg (seen below), and more Interlacements Tiny Toes.
Lest you think that all I order is wool, we do receive some seasonal yarns as well

That's the first installment of our Cotton Classic orders for Spring, including over 30 shades of Cotton Classic, some Tweedy Cotton Classic, and some Cotton Classic Color (some even makes stripes!), as well as three pattern collections for the yarn (the new one is INCREDIBLE, and there's even a book for you crocheters out there). This big batch of bright, fun color will be on the shelves today, as it's finally stickered and ready to roll out the door.
And as to Kathy's comment that despite our having 6,500 square feet at the shop, we're probably at capacity again as far as product and displays, I might agree with her to some extent......I might just have to stop buying yarn in the near future, as we're out of room.......WHO AM I KIDDING?!?!?!?! LOL. There's tons more in transit for delivery next week, and there's even more coming after that. So I suppose I had better get busy making more to work I go, ready to teach this afternoon as well as work on a couple fun projects (if time permits). If there's anything you see above that you need details on, just
slip me a note and we'll get the process rolling! Have a great Sunday and do be in touch!