Bupkus in Progress to Report
Sorry, but the shawl has sort of stalled out for the past two days. I do have section #5 over half finished, but it's not worth posting a picture of just yet. Maybe after this wedge is completed, or maybe not until all of the knitting is done.We've been busy beavers the last two days, so I've not been able to knit on the shawl. Monday was our monthly sock group, so I started yet another project, this time a toe up sock a la Wendy, featuring her short-row toe featured in her Knitty article last winter. It's an awesome pattern that I really enjoy, and the yarn has turned out to be surprisingly nice knitted up. Pix later, especially if I rip and reknit the thing, but I may not.
Tuesday night found us in Columbus, IN, which is where we're moving to in a month. This twice-monthly knitting group has turned out to be a really active, fun, energetic bunch of knitters ranging from a sixth grader to a woman who is well into her 80s and a darned prolific knitter, and everything in between. They typically keep us hopping from about 6:30 until after 9, so I didn't have much knitting time there tonight. I worked on the shawl in the car on the way over while Matt drove, but it was dark on the way back, so I knit on a felted bag that didn't need my attention (and I can knit them in the dark---stockinette, baby). And we got a large box of "flashy trashy" yarns today, with a variety of things sparkly and fluffy and fuzzy. Pics to follow, I swear.
Wednesday is an "off day" for traveling and knitting, but since this week is Third Thursday, I've got planning and cooking and baking to do. Dinner this month centers around family favorites and reunion foods, so if you're in the area around 6 or so on Thursday, bring your knitting and your appetite. Dinner's around seven, and we're expecting a fun group from the St. Louis area (HI CHARLOTTE, HI NINI!). Come join the fun of the last Third Thursday in Bloomington...........or be with us on August 21st, when we start the tradition in our new digs in Columbus. No clue on the menu theme, so suggestions are welcomed. As are you!