Black Dog

Just a little outpost on the web for me to ramble, post pix, share ideas, and be a part of the crowd.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I had the most clever title in the world in my head this morning, while driving in to the shop. It was appropriate, it was funny, and it was good. Of course, I've forgotten it by now, 12 hours later. DAMN!

So, on to the knitting. Yes, I'm making progress on my deadline projects. Here's the sleeve action

That's one completed sleeve and a nice start on the second. Of course, I haven't touched it today, as it's been a whirlwind of a day at ThreadBear--we received five different shipments today (more on that shortly) and it was a busy foot traffic day, too, on top of having to run errands and the like. I always like going to the banks and the post office (well, not the post office) because it means I have dedicated knitting time in the middle of the day...and I almost always bring a sock, so I get SOMETHING accomplished while waiting in line or in the drive thru. Here's the sock progress (cuff on #2 knitted today at the post office, which was SWAMPED)

Sock #1 is blocked and dry and #2 is on the stockinette part of the leg. I predict a Friday finish for this pair (I know what's in store for me in the mean time and I know what I have to do on sleeve #2). Both items need to be completed and in Philly by Tuesday, so the clock is ticking! Matt's gonna start the finishing on the sweater tonight, hopefully, so I had better get that other sleeve finished PDQ. I may need another "Day of Beauty" like yesterday on my day off, where I had my hair cut and monthly pedi back-to-back, which means PLENTY of knitting time.

I'll share other UPS wonders later this week, but here's one "hot rush" goodie that appeared today

Yup, they're in stock right now and ready to ship out at $24.95 each. And better yet, they're personalized/autographed by the author/designer herself, Maie Landra. Here's a peek inside the cover

and of the very famous Charlotte's Web shawl, with Kersti (yes, that's an actual person's name--Taiu's daughter, Maie's granddaughter) taking flight

It's a lovely book jammed with their patterns, new and old, as well as their story. I'm planning on reading it tonight before I turn in, as I've skimmed the entire book three times today and cannot WAIT to read it in depth. Three phone conversations with Taiu today confirmed my adoration for their yarns (NOW...if we could only get more shipped to us....we're supposedly up for more in a couple weeks...YES!). Need a book? be in touch

Last, I leave you with a little teaser,

that shows our now-packed shelves up front, in the new spinning area. We had a nice shipment from Ashland Bay show up today, filled with their combed Merino Multi and their Merino/Tussah Silk blends. This stuff nearly makes ME want to spin (and I have, but I always say there's so much mill-spun yarn that I want to knit with that I don't necessarily need to make my own). It's affordable, it's beautiful, and it's the shop!

I'm starting TWO new projects the very moment that second sock is completed, so keep an eye peeled here. ENJOY, and have a great Wednesday/Thursday and see you here again soon!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Paddling Off to Sleeve Island

One last post before the year share my progress and to sneak one more in before the curtain falls on a weird year. I'm not gonna wax poetic about 2006, nor am I going to bitch about this or that or bemoan the fact that XYZ happened (to me or to others). I'm just saying goodbye to a weird year and looking forward to a fresh slate of sorts in the morning!

I did get a little bit of knitting done last night and this morning (more this morning, while watching my Sunday morning regular shows). Here's proof

Yup--that's a finished front. And as the title of the post states, I'm paddling out this evening. Hopefully I'll knock one out tonight, before I overdose on DVDs and guacamole with Matt, as we have "big plans" of hanging out at the home and hiding from the crazies that go out tonight (yup, yet another sign I've gotten old.....and I don't mind one bit!).

There was also progress on the sock, as I needed something brainless to work on today at the shop, while helping folks and interacting with custo-friends. Yes, I consider the gusset decreases brainless knitting, and I've passed them and headed onto the foot, which is completely brainless knitting. See

Pay no attention to the bad color in this shot--it's totally off and I didn't use a flash for the photo, so what you see is bleary, dull, grey Michigan afternoon lighting.

I'm off for now, headed to the store to find collards, canned black-eyed peas, and eggs (for cornbread) to make traditional Southern items to bring to the shop for New Year's Day. Supposedly this yankee, who's lived in the South awhile, makes good greens (based on comments the last couple times I've made them for New Year's Day). We're having traditional Southern stuff at the shop tomorrow.....if you're in the area or just driving through, stop by and partake of the traditions of the South from a food perspective. And no matter where you are, do something fiber related--my paternal grandfather (a Czech) always said "what you do on New Year's Day you do all year long". I see that same sentiment echoed in a page of Lithuanian traditions, as found here. Might as well start 2007 out right!