Black Dog

Just a little outpost on the web for me to ramble, post pix, share ideas, and be a part of the crowd.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wrasslin' With Technology

I scrapped posting pictures of the Jubilee sock-weight yarn yesterday because I didn't like how they turned out, thinking it was an issue with lighting and flash. Turns out (once I had a conversation with Matt) that our digital camera doesn't handle deep teal very well (kinda like it doesn't do fuchsia very well). So, the caveat I have for the photos below is that the teals that appear to be apple green/electric green are really a lovely teal and not so "hummmmmmmm" like it has a power source.

Here's the Jubilee, in full color.

and there's the second set

And they're $22 each and currently in just contact us (e-mail or phone toll free at 866-939-BEAR) and we'll help with the addiction...I mean purchase.

And with this post, I fulfill my need to enable all the way to Virginia!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Torture For A Certain Chicagoan

You know who you are out you e-mailed me about this stuff today, and I promised the world pictures of this stock last Sunday (and I'm late, I know). I'm late because we've been working on some paperwork-type things for the shop this week, which keeps me busy and away from here. Also, we spent from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. yesterday buying fall yarns from Tahki/Stacy Charles/Filatura di Crosa. I'm just saying that we purchased TONS and TONS of wonderful things and that I'm very excited by the prospect of these new yarns and the projects y'all will make with them. Oh, and I've been knitting a semi-special shawl all week, under a deadline that looms....hopefully I'll have finished pics of it tomorrow or Sunday, after blocking.

Since "you know who" asked about this yarn today, here goes.....

That's the 300 series of worsted-weight yarns (now named "Classy") by Dream in Color, a wonderful hand-dyed yarn company in the Chicagoland area. At $16 for 250 yards of hand-dyed, machine-washable worsted merino (that will also hit the dryer for a short while), that's a BIG STEAL of a deal. Not only do we have the 300 series shades (that aren't supposed to be available until May 1st), we also have two shades that are custom to us

I believe they were color combinations that didn't make the cut this time, but since we saw little reelings of all shades under consideration and really fell in love with these two (as well as the above eight), we wanted some of them as well. Same deal, $16 a hank, but only here at ThreadBear.

We're about ready to close for the night, so I'm gonna quit now, go work on a shawl, and head home in a few minutes. Next posting will include the 15 shades of Jubilee that arrived this week, just to tempt a certain someone out in Virginia. Oh, and I'm also about to start 2-3 new projects, as soon as the shawl and a vest are done (vest needs about six more inches of knitting). And of course, there's those two big boxes of blurred yarn from Wednesday........mwahahahahahaah. They're stickered and will be out for consumption as of Monday evening.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


That's the sound of deadlines and pressure and maybe a little bit of stress. Topped off with having to keep up with things actually AT the shop. Fun times. Lots.

At least we keep getting pretty things in for your perusal (mine too). Check out the new shipment of Jubilee that arrived on Monday

Those are 100g, 400yd skeins of superwash merino, destined to be beautiful socks, but useful for anything calling for 4-ply/baby/fingering/sock weight yarn. In sixteen different colourways. All ready for adoption. You may remember my swatch from awhile ago

We've been waiting for the above shipment since mid-February, and it was worth the wait. I'll show you details and colors, hopefully tomorrow (Thursday).

Among the things arriving today......these two boxes

Blurryness/obfuscation intentional, but I'll tell you this. We had ordered about 150-160 skeins of this yarn and I was ecstatic to find out that today's delivery was for 250 hanks of hand-dyed loveliness. We're unveiling this yarn at our monthly "Sock-It-To-Me" group this coming Monday evening, so it's gonna get packed up and stashed in the back of the store until then (after it gets inventoried and stickered on Thursday). I'm thrilled to have this new-to-us yarn in the shop and I'm sure we'll have a long and exciting relationship with this company (her stuff is nummy!).

I'm off to enter new Schaefer Yarn into the computer system and get outta here for tonight. We're buying fall/winter yarns from Tahki/Stacy Charles/Filatura di Crosa all day tomorrow, as the rep received her materials today (we're typically her first sales call when she gets anything new). HOORAY! Fall/Winter stuff!