Courier Services Earn Their Keep
I've warned our UPS driver.......he's going to need some time off after this week. Poor guy--we normally keep him hustlin', and this week is extra busy for him, but he has a great outlook and says it's job security. Of course, he wasn't on our route earlier this week, and it was the bright-eyed sub that brought Monday's boxes. I warned him about today (Wednesday) and said to avoid the route--we expect a monster book order today, as well as more yarn, probably the
Black Water Abbey trunk show and yarn, and other assorted things (accessories show up any day now). We're considering starting to hang stuff from the ceiling, as we're about out of floor space, even with Matt painting the newly-cleared-out room that we're going to use for books and patterns and the like. We're already joking about having to move out of the upstairs (which isn't even finished yet, technically) just two months after moving in. And it's not 100% joke..........
Before I get into the yarn orgy part of our time together, here's a fun picture of someone and her finished project. Judy has knitted for several years, but she swears her skills are at the "dishcloth only" level. Here's proof she's very wrong

Granted, this picture doesn't show the bag felted--I did run it through the washing machine yesterday, with a batch of similar-colored things. The finished project is quite fun, as it is the Harriett Bag from Two Old Bags (which we have on hand). The finished project is a rectangular bag with wooden dowels for handles that are inserted in pockets knitted in the top of the bag. Very cute! GREAT JOB, Judy!
Preparations? You betcha!
Matt got up around 4 a.m. today (me at 4:30) to get started on some of the painting that still needs to be completed.

He's standing right behind me, rolling the walls in the foyer (he did all of his cutting in first, like a good boy). Tate? He's just asking for a few more minutes of shuteye

Connor's smart--she's snoozing in the side room that's completely dark and out of the way--for now. That's actually the next room to get painted today. The books are coming, we have shelving for them, and we're waiting for Brown to be here (noonish........I must have patience until noon).
I mentioned some of the goodies that arrived yesterday. Here's two large boxes of La Gran mohair from Classic Elite, still in the boxes as of this morning

About twenty different colors, and some absolutely amazing patterns--many in cable designs, one for some fab intarsia circles, and several great cardigans and other wardrobe staples. I asked our contact person at Classic Elite to put in whatever she felt was a great design, and she did a WONDERFUL job.
Mango Moon sent two boxes that were packed with some BEAUTIFUL hanks of their recycled silk

In the other box we found a dozen of their kits

that make up one of
11 sweater styles or a throw. Each contains over a kilo of the silk yarn and 100g of the French "pashmina" lace-weight mohair. The color of the mohair determines the overall color of the finished garment/throw, so we ordered a few different colors

Personally, I like the purple and the sage and the olive (these two are the light and dark green shades, respectively). I've finally gotten back to work on mine that will serve as a shop model. Progress pictures shortly. As soon as there is some you would notice.........but I was able to sneak in a little bit of knitting last nighta t our local Knit Night at the East Side Community Center here in Columbus. Matt even got to knit as well....shocking! Here's what I made, from about 7:45 p.m. until just shortly after 10 p.m. (we left at 10:05).

It's another of those
Musique and
Fizz scarves using the
free pattern from
Crystal Palace. They're fun, they're FAST, and they're great for new knitters and experienced hands alike.
A big ol' pile of BearFoot, the new sock yarn from
Mountain Colors, arrived yesterday, after a longer wait than ANYONE expected and through NO fault of the great folks at Mountain Colors. This is an AWESOME yarn for socks, as it is superwash wool, mohair (great for durability), and a little bit o'nylon--and look at the way this blend takes the color---very cool! Here's our selection on hand right now, laid out on the sofa in a big ol' pile

Individual glam shots follow

Left to right, these are Pine Needle, Lost Trail, Midnight Sapphire, Golden Willow, and Glacier Teal.

Again, L to R--Copper King Plum, Marias Falls, Winter Sky, Indian Corn, Silverbow, and Granite Peak

And last.....Rim Rock, Steelhead, Moose Creek, Clearwater, and Firestorm.
They are up for adoption to a new home, and typical retail is $19, so our price is $17.10. And again, a hank makes a pair of socks for most feet (Shaq excluded, of course). One more "housekeeping" issue---someone asked about the Canna from Noro. We don't have it on hand yet (just the two hanks you saw here that day) but we should have it in early November, according to our vendor. Standard retail on the yarn is.........brace yourself......$60/hank. Our standard pricing is 10% off regular retail, every day, on every item (rather than use punch cards, frequent fiber clubs, and other affinity programs), which would make it $54 from us. We've decided to try it at 20% off standard retail, or a price of $48/hank. It's a little "dear", but it is cashmere, it is hand-dyed, and it is rather nice. As one of our customer/friends said, "....even if you use a skein and a half to two skeins, that's still under $100 for a
CASHMERE scarf.....I'm worth that much....". Yes, Mary, you most certainly are.......and then some (BTW--mittens away!).
Time to help
Matt a little bit and get the foyer back to normal for opening in a couple hours. And time to get more stuff moved out of the library room so he can paint in there today. And time to make a sign that directs folks to our side entrance, as they are repairing some older, crumbling steps, installing a railing, and painting the porch floor today. Improvement seems to be the order of the day. All in the name of some sort of Grand Opening (we advertised today for the first time in the local paper, announcing this weekend and our presence.....we'll see how that goes!).
Be well, be good to eachother and to yourself, and be in touch! We're here to help in any way we can!