Use the Force...........
Good Monday Morning to you! Whew, it's been a fun weekend of fiber of all types--our initial shipment of
spinning wheels arrived late Friday afternoon, so we've had a busy weekend of contacting folks, assembling wheels, and becoming familiar with the new objects of mass distraction. Check out
Matt's blog later today for a recap of wheels, spinning fibers, and more. I'm learning to spin, but I haven't taken to it like he has. He's already got three full bobbins of fiber spun up, despite our being busy this weekend. And wait until you see what we did get in on Friday in the way of spinning fibers. Mmmmmmmmmmmm
Saturday was just a general "fiber day" here, and folks dropped in and hung out all day. Low Helen (G'MORNING!) assembled her wheel, with the help of some of the crowd, so now she's enabled. Patsy (HOWDY!) was around for advice and moral support, while she wound a warp in the next room, as she's the instigator/teacher for the learning that's been going on in the spinning domain. Anne and Pam A (HI LADIES) decided that they needed to leave with a hunk of spinning fiber and a new drop spindle and an interest in wheels (I recommend following the
Ashford Advisor online to see what fits your needs). Many other folks were here, including Pamm on crutches (HI PAMM), who picked up some fun colors in Cascade Sierra to make her own version of the Ramblin Rows baby afghan. I'm sure you'll see the finished results here or at Crowing Ram--her colors are awesome! And Susan showed up (HI SUSAN) to lust for wheels (hers and mine left Washington State late in the week after the new container arrived in port) and to show off her beautiful hand-dyed mohair that she made with us two weekends ago, which will eventually grow up to resemble
this version of the Meadow Flowers Shawl from the book
Knitter's Stash. It's amazing yarn, in blues, navy, and a little bit of steely-grey. I'm sure you'll see it here in the future, when I get to bragging.
Sunday meant a quiet day around the house, with me catching up on chores (oh, how I love laundry, dishes, and all of my other domestic responsibilities----NOT) and Matt spinning and spinning and spinning and dyeing some yarn for a special order for someone. The yarn is currently drying and will be ready for viewing later today or tomorrow, and for shipping after that. It turned out quite nice and I think she'll be pleased. And speaking of dyeing,
Teresa and
Denise will be up from Ohio in a couple weeks for their own dyefest and fibery day (C's coming too, but she'll be the only person to resist the temptation and proabably spend the day reading and catching rays on the deck with Connor). The evening brought tons of fiber, in snippet format--we spent several hours ordering new things and restocking on others. Look for lots of wooly and cottony goodness to be arriving later this week.
And speaking of bragging, the title for today's entry refers to another finished project by our very own Low Helen (there's plenty of jokes floating about referring to it being an Obi-Wan, or some other sort of
Star Wars garment). Inspired by the book
Simply Knit when it first came out a few months ago, she immediately took to the
Obi, a wonderful unconstructed knitting project that's just wizard (as are most of the patterns in that book--GET IT). She picked up the book and the yarn from us, and here's the finished result, for all to see and admire

(and yes, that's Connor underneath the swing taking a nap on a Sunday afternoon). You get a good idea of the scale of the project--it is wide and short waisted, and one might imagine it being too short waisted, but it isn't. It's a very flattering when worn by folks of ALL sizes, and trust me--many people have tried it on in the past few days, since Helen finished it. She used Jamieson DK, as specified in the pattern, but she altered the color combination to be Wild Violet (the lighter shade) and Bramble (the darker one). Of course, it was a race to the finish, as our Miss Helen was very motivated by seeing the
finished version posted over at
Theresa's blog. Of course Theresa spun her own yarns, as she's an accomlished spinner, awesome knitter, and chief resident (what
can't she do?). Theresa said that her Obi is like wearing an afghan with sleeves, and after trying on Helen's, many folks agreed. So now we have motivation for Nancy A. (using
Mountain Colors Weaver's Wool Quarters in
Larkspur, Deb (in two gorgeous shades of Jamieson), and a few other folks to get knitting on their own version. Knit on, ladies--I can't wait!
That's about it for today--tonight we're up in Franklin at Knit Night (Community Arts & Rec Center--6:30 - 8), Tuesday it's the fun bunch in Columbus (IN) (East Side Community Center--6 - 9ish), and Thursday is our monthly Third Thursday Knit Night (dinner and knitting starting at 6:30--come on over!). This month's menu for Thursday is back to more traditional foods---Picnic Fare. I'm making a b-b-q brisket, grilling other things, two kinds of potato salad (yankee and southern), Rachel's bringing deviled eggs (she can't resist a reason to make them, despite this NOT being a pitch-in meal), and I'm sure we'll have plenty more dishes in a variety of shapes and forms. Come by, knit a little, dig into a fun meal, and spend some time with great people who love fibers! See you then--
e-mail me for directions, and have a great week!