Yarn--Real, Live Yarn!
I've taken a good bit of heat lately, from locals and distance folks, about the lack of posts AND about the lack of fiber-based inspiration around these parts over the past few weeks. Then I go and post spinning stuff yesterday, and BOY HOWDY did I catch some flack from my yarnies. HOORAY! You really DO still love me.....(blush)First off, I start by showing you a brand-new (to us) bag that's currently available at the shop

That's the beautiful "Plane Bag" by Skacel. It's a lovely shape, made of silk fabric, and is just crammed with pockets all around the inside. See

They're well priced, too, at just $49.50 each for a beautiful silk bag. And if you're feeling like Nana from Peter Pan, it makes excellent head gear

I'm not quite as hairy as a Newfie, but the hat works. Thanks to Sabrina, our store manager, for snapping the pic. You never know what you're gonna see around the shop, as I wore one of these for a few minutes today, while helping folks with a couple knitting questions and yarn selection, and I think I may have scared one lady. Yes, the insane really do work at ThreadBear (or at least own the place).
Yarn---it's all about the yarn
We received a partial shipment from J Knits today--partial because it's only about 40% of our total order (which I must have misunderstood Julie, as she told me she shipped about 60% last week....darn).
That's her Superwash Me Light Sock, her sock-weight yarn that comes in 4-ounce, 55-yard hanks for a reasonable price of $23.90. What is currently in stock, you might ask? I'm glad you did

and even more!

Wow, that's some pretty stuff. If only the remaining 60% of the order would arrive soon, I'd be a happy man. I think I may nab a skein of New Mexico for a pair for myself, as it's GORGEOUS (and out of my traditional color palette, too!).
Other deliveries today included a trio of summer magazines for your inspiration and needles.

That's the latest Piecework, which is all about lace, including designs for a Russian Lace Scarf, Knitted Fans (yes, fans), and a really sharp pair of socks by Ann Budd.
Also in the stack, you'll see the BRAND-SPANKIN' NEW Interweave Knits, hot off the presses (and 45 copies in my shop). We have two models for the shop already on the needles (yes, they're that compelling). Just wait and see (or call us and get your own copy--866-939-BEAR, toll free).
Last on the stack would be Verena, a European knitting magazine that's now available in the US. This is the premiere issue for North American distribution and it's JAMMED with over 50 different projects. WOW--50 projects for $6.99, so even if you like just one, it's basically the cost of a sheet pattern (and you'll like more than one, between the fashionable garments, nautical-inspired knits, and kid's things). Want one? We've got'em!
With that, I'm out of here for now.....and yes, eventually I'll post some knitting (actual knitting) content, as I'm close to having something finished. Need anything you see above? E-mail us or be in touch at 866-939-BEAR and anyone here can help. BE WELL!