I Warned You I Was Fickle
Finally, blogger returns to a somewhat normal operating mode. I've wanted to post since early this morning, but I couldn't get into their main page to log in, let alone make an entry. But for now, things appear to be back on track. So awaaaaaaaaaaaay we go!I joined the shawl knit-along that Rachael started at the end of August. After one failed attempt (I just didn't like the color--I'm not an orange lover, being a blonde as I am), I started again with Cascade Indulgence at the subliminal suggestion of Marcia (she ordered some for the same project and I thought.......yeah, that would make an awesome stole/shawl), of course in the same bright white that she had us send her. It was knitting up quite nicely, coming along well

and then Matt and I had to go and start thinking and planning for the coming weeks at ThreadBear the shop, and we started discussing his idea for an Ebenezer Project (keep the spirit of giving alive all year 'round). This will be our version of "community knitting", where we'll gather at the shop once a month and any interested folks will spend the evening working on things for others---be it warm items for the fall/winter months (then donated to a local agency for distribution), or preemie items for the local neo-natal ICU at Columbus Regional Hospital (or other nearby ones), or even knitting chemo caps for those fighting cancer. We'll provide the yarn in most cases and the patterns and ideas for many of the projects, all you have to provide is the love and skill. This led the discussion towards October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October 17th is national mammography day--be sure you are taking care of yourself as are those around you). Because I've had so many friends and family members be touched by breast cancer (one of my best friends from grad school had a radical mastectomy and full treatments during a fall semester and hopped right back into classes in January---HI PAT, if you're out there reading), I always try to do something to help out a little bit. So a brilliant idea came to me--Indulgence comes in two shades of pink, one of them being a rather beautiful pale pink. Why not stop the white stole/shawl and start another in the lighter pink......

Here's the progress I made on Friday (yesterday), as of this morning, when I photographed things in the hopes of making a blog entry. Of course, Blogger had other ideas and was hinkie through this afternoon, so I took care of other things and then got a little more knitting done on the pink version today. See......

Progress continues, and this project may well fly off the needles to get blocked (severely) in good time. We had some great folks stop by this afternoon (HI EVA, HI DEB, HI ANNE, HI AMY, HI CATHI) and we got to talking about things, and I'll look for a place that can use the shawl/stole to it's best advantage--where it might raise the most funds to be donated for breast cancer research. Matt has suggested posting it to e-bay as an auction where the proceeds go to research, and I think we'll do that or look into another venue. Someone today suggested working through an online source that coordinates auctions, but I can't remember the name of the group--it acts as a sort of clearinghouse. I think I'd rather know that the item went somewhere that it would raise as much as it possibly can, but then again--even an additional dollar added to the fund for research against breast cancer is better than zippo. Ideas, anyone? I'm all ears on this one.......we're a little isolated out here in a smaller town, and we are boys, you know.
In other news, tomorrow's blog entry should be fun--we received a LARGE box of patterns from Two Old Bags today that included ALL of their new designs. Some are felted (and darned cute) and others are knitted with ribbon yarns, with rag strips you tear from cotton fabric (I'm starting one tomorrow), or just plain knitted with wool yarn. One pattern is for wooly jewelry, which means you make your own felted balls out of wool (knitted, of course) and then felt them and string them with the use of findings and clasps and fine strands. Felted balls are also used as a handle (along with felted flowers for embellishments) on one bag pattern. Be on the look out here for the patterns--they're DYNAMITE. In not-so-great news, we had a price increase in their patterns, so the full retail is now $7, and ThreadBear price is $6.30. Sorry, but our costs went up, so we had to as well. Also in the mail was a pattern for a felted jacket, using a chunky weight wool-llama blend that is just smashing (Pam, Cathi, Barb--are you reading this?). I can't wait to work on that one...........it may start tomorrow as well (one can only take so much lace knitting, you know; and you saw my progress for today.....not too shabby). Off I go......thanks for reading!