I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Like herpes, you can't get rid of me, despite not being around awhile. (there's a pretty mental picture).We've finally settled into a routine around here, with the shop, with life (I'm actually cooking at home with regularity for the first time since we moved here, and actually dating back to before moving--the kitchen in Indiana started to fill with yarn last February and I refused to cook in front of yarn due to food smell transfer, so it's been MONTHS since I prepared home-cookin' for Matt and myself). We've had Thai Cashew Chicken (mmmmmmmm), Arizona Spicy Lime Chicken (mmmmmmm-mmmmmmm--a recipe I cut out of the KC Star food section YEARS ago), and tonight is comfort food for me--my maternal Gram's beef stroganoff (an adaptation from the seasoning packet recipe, actually).
As for the shop, we have INCREDIBLE folks on our team. The "full time" folks pull the weight around here, and they do it well! They have it set so we can actually come in AFTER the shop opens (and I still feel comfortable, despite my micromanagement tendencies), and we're working towards each having a day off soon! And the really fun part--people who call in and place mail orders can rest assured that their order goes out the next day (sometimes the same day) no matter who's here. Several of our great team members wrap, pack, and send orders all on their own!
So long story short...(too late)....the mail order machine is definitely up and running!
As promised yesterday (they promised that I'd have yarn, so I could keep my promise to you about this blog post)......here's the new Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock colors

One caution--blue/greens are hard to capture with digital photography (kinda like reds and pinks), so the Island Blue looks washed out in the above picture compared to "normal".....it's really a DEEP and RICH turquoise that screams CARIBE! Two hanks for a pair of socks for an adult, and they're still just $8.32 each from us. I'm a big fan of the Glenwood colourway........I may have to start some very, very soon! If you're in need of some BRAND NEW sock yarn for yourself, just slip me a note and we'll get it in the mail to you right away!
And just to tease you a little bit with more BRAND NEW yarn, here's a glam shot if the big pile of the Colinette Firecracker that arrived today

It's $27 a hank (that's standard retail, as we're not allowed to discount on these yarns, but they are part of the ThreadBear rewards program) for 77 yards of yarn that knits at 8 stitches and 12 rows over 10cm/4" on a 10mm (US 15) needle. One hank will make a great scarf (of course), and designs have been featured in the Colinette display ads in major knitting magazines of late. Actually, there are two new pattern books for warmer weather, and they both arrived today as well

"Firecracker" and "Akashya" are each $17 (no discounting, as above) and on hand. I'll feature more about the yarns and the books shortly (hopefully tomorrow), but for now, here's a close-up shot of Firecracker the yarn, in the FIRE colourway

That hank is going home with me tonight to be turned into a quick scarf following one of the patterns in the new book. You know you'll see a finished project in it tomorrow....right? (grin)
That's about it for now..........we're closed, Matt's class is over (Knit to Fit Hats), and it's time to get home. The pups are snoring (I can hear Connor from where I sit and she's 20 feet from me, beached on her ottoman as usual) and they'll enjoy being at the house. We're looking for more snow overnight, making the scene along the river by the house just beautiful! And I'll need to feed my ducks tomorrow (there's about 50 ducks--no exaggeration--that swim over towards our deck when I walk the dogs out back, as they're on the hunt for the bread that I throw them several times a week).
It's good to be back and even better to be doing what I'm doing! THANK YOU!