There was something extra in the UPS delivery this morning. I knew about the four boxes of Lana Grossa yarns we received, but there was an additional box I wasn't expecting (and there was not another box I was expecting............are you following along?). Lookie what finally arrived today
Yup, The Best of Knitter's Arans & Celtics is in here (an entire case of them). And it's more than I expected it to be, in a "must knit" sense. It's a great way of bringing together 30 classic projects from various issues of KNITTER'S MAGAZINE into one resource. I'm a texture knitting freak, without question. I'm in way-beyond seventh heaven with this arriving..........
If you need a copy, the cover price is $19.95, so our price is $17.96. If you need one sent to you, I can get it in your hands for $1.84 using media mail (inside the US, of course), which means your total is $$19.80--less than the cover price on the book and no sales tax. Ain't I good? Drop me an e-mail if you have to have this wonderful collection in your knitting library.
Maggi asks about my preferred needle size for socks with Koigu KPPPM, as I'm such a loose knitter. I use US 0 (2mm) needles almost exclusively for sock-weight yarns, but the Pop Sox you saw earlier today are being knitted on US 1 (2.25mm) and I'm liking the fabric, but it is a little loose to my eye. The pattern from Fun Socks II specified using a 3mm needle (approximates to a US 3), but lawdy, that would be lace knitting for these loosey-goosey knitting hands. But that's my experience......YMMV.
JoJo comments on the volume of yarn here right now--while it has NOT made it upstairs (and never will, if Matt and I both have our say), it has encroached on some personal living space this week. There's more here than we can shelve in our current configuration, but as the upstairs opens up and the back room is no longer sleeping quarters, we can make additional changes to the layout and set up the last of the shelving for some yarn. We are resting, we are maintaining our sanity (what little we ever had), and we are doing alright. Matt's had sinus issues of late, but that seems to be over.
Gail asked about the wonderful green yarn in the box (and commented on the lavender as well). That's Manos del Uruguay, and what you see is part of our third big shipment. We have nearly every shade now, and will soon have them all (mwahahahahah). The green is one of my absolute favorites by them--between that, the bing cherry, and the topaz--as well as the woodland multi, which is just a mix of these shades--I'm in heaven when it comes to Manos. It's a weakness of mine, and I never try to avoid it.
Jill wants to be adopted......stand in line, darlin'. Our friend Rachel in Bloomington (HI RACHEL) was over yesterday and helped price and stock needles and notions, and while we were working she recanted her dream from Wednesday night---where she asked us, verbally, to adopt her and we agreed (verbally) to start the proceedings. Never mind the fact that Rachel is a couple years older than all makes sense, right? But if y'all become our children, you'll have chores to do and allowances to earn. Remember that.............
Gwen notes that some of the boxes in the pictures this morning are from KFI, who is quickly becoming the evil empire in my eyes. They haven't returned a phone call to me since Wednesday (yet they PROMISED they would when I called back again Friday and Tuesday)--nine days and counting (10 if you count Wednesday of last week). The boxes you see contained the better part of an order we placed in September that somehow got lodged in their system (they're having computer issues) as well as some of the newer stuff we ordered when our rep was here in early November (some of it is part of the spring line for Dazzle, Flutter, and such, as well as the Debbie Bliss Aran Tween and the Sirdar Donegal that we added on with our rep at that same visit). I'm impressed with the way they got some things out within a month or so, but of course it's typical KFI--they send yarn but not the patterns that go with it (patterns are backordered). Harumph. Or you get 2/3 of the line when you order every color, and the remainder will dribble and drabble in over the next several weeks/months. One bag at a time in a shipment. Harumph. Supposedly, however, there are some yarn distributors who are even more notorious about backorders and interesting logistics. I'd rather not find out, ok?
Gotta run.........someone needs yarn!