Bloggin' in the Midnight Hour
It seems I can only find time to catch up with y'all on here when it is late at night.
The shop has been keeping us all busy of late, between foot traffic and mail order (THANK YOU! for both!), with incoming deliveries galore (some vendors are sure getting the show orders out quickly! and other orders are starting to trickle in as well), and with teaching quite a bit (almost daily in recent weeks). It's all good--I love what I do and I relish being this busy. THANK YOU to everyone involved, from our wonderful customers (near and at a distance), to my wonderful staff (I know many of you read this!), and my great partner
Matt (he works so very hard, too!). I don't relish his world--having to put up with a work-a-holic for a life partner and an a@@hole for a business partner. Have I ever mentioned that I'm a total posterchild for Scorpio....'nuff said!
OK--I promised you update pix on my
Nanako Jacket (a kit from
Habu Textiles), so here you go

No progress in over a week, but I'm to the armhole shaping, which is quite a bit up from the bottom since you saw it last (it was a mere strip then). I'm really liking the way the Japanese knitting patterns are written--quite different from American/western nomenclature, and very refreshing!
The new a
fun cardi out of Tahki's great merino yarn called Torino that I'm madly in lust with (it can't be love--it's far too animal in nature). This is the project I started last Tuesday, when we went to catch the live theater in SW Michigan and then I didn't work on for three ful days (or knit anything else). I picked it up again on Friday and have been working HARD on it since

Mind you, I'm making a 44" finished bust (see, Kathy--a good size, no?), so it's a semi-larger sweater and still going along quickly. I just love this stitch pattern

as it looks difficult but is DECEPTIVELY easy. Basically it's 2x2 rib with an alternating section of YO/K2tog stuff going on. Any beginner could work this stitch pattern, yet the results are very sharp. And the yarn......I make EVERYONE who comes into
the shop touch this garment...and not just pet, but grab a big ol' handful of knitting to feel the squishy goodness of this multi-plied merino goodness. I should finish the back tonight (seriously--after I leave here, I'll go knit to relax and I'm nearly to the top of the armhole).
Other knitting has been going on (I'm far from project monogamous, folks). I finally completed Dad Sock #1

That's Schaefer Anne for yarn, in a deep, dark, rich green that's almost black. When this skein came in about a year ago (yes, it's been on my needles and bouncing around in my knitting basket for over a year now), I snagged it immediately for socks for my Dad (shortly after I made socks for my Mom, which were gifted to her on Mother's Day 2006, so there's your timeline). The color was PERFECT and very guy friendly (not bright, almost solid, yadda yadda). I had to have more, so I shared a little of this skein with Cheryl Schaefer while at yarn market last month, and they called today to say that I'll be getting more of it shortly (it's ready for shipping this week!). I've also ordered up some more, as I'm sure it will be popular (guy-friendly colors are rare in these parts, especially in this yarn). Check out the awesome richness

You can't tell, but I used my "trademark" 5x1 rib for the leg of the sock. I know my dad has thinner ankles, but I wanted to make sure there was room for his calves, as he golfs alot and walks a good bit. I like this for socks for me, too, as I have mongo calves and the extra room is nice--a great way to get calf shaping without having to do increases or other adjustments.
The shipments, they're a rollin' in these days. You saw the two (of three) boxes of
Alchemy yarns and patterns here last Friday. Well first thing on Saturday morning, Molly (a new hire around here) made a nice display of the three new yarns and four model garments.

I'm really pleased to have all four of the garments, for different reasons. The hat, however, pleases me very much as it comes from the hands and brains and spirit of a long-distance friend,
Mare, who no longer blogs (yet I hope she sees this...HI MARE!). Our first shipment included Silk Purse

in solids (the multis were dyed just before the folks at Alchemy left for Pitti Filati) as well as some multis in Haiku

and some Silken Straw

All of the model garments are lovely, and lots of folks have started to covet them or purchase yarn to make far it's been a popular line!
My lust grew even stronger, however, this afternoon when our FedEx driver brought by a couple boxes with kanji all over the side of one box. That could only mean one thing

Yup, that's a big, humongous sofa packed with bags and bags of Diakeito yarns of all types. They're such beautiful yarns that A) they've captured Connorls attention, or B) Connor is standing guard over them. (Truth? she was out COLD during these pictures being snapped). There's some Diagrouvefine, some Diamist F Mole, some Dialent, some Diamusee, some Diadomina, some Diamuseefine, and some Diavoyage (
Matt's latest addiction). He stumbled into some over a year ago (last April??) when we went on a Tuesday (day off) yarn cruise to Ann Arbor and we stopped at
Knit A Round to visit our buds Carrie and Sheri. It's a nice blend of alpaca and wool and around light worsted/dk weight, with amazing color in the yarn. Good stuff--all of it!
That's enough for one day...I'm outta here. I'll be back soon with even more, so come on by. Be well!