Quick, Someone Get A Pen
Get the number of the semi that hit me yesterday.............URGH! I adore the "after effects" of the cooking and fun of Third Thursday--the joy of watching folks consume. I know I get it from both of my grandmothers, as they were both feeders........they would cook all day until their legs would drop off, feed their families, and then just collapse (and either not eat at all or just nibble and pick, which took me years to understand that they couldn't stand to be around it any more). There's some serious satisfaction for me in the knowledge that I've worked hard, that I've put out something good, and that people enjoy it. And when something doesn't work out quite right, or isn't up to my standard, it really REALLY bothers me. But at the end of the evening, I'm dog tired, I can get a little cranky (sorry if I was, Matt...), and if something was a bit of a flop, I'm upset with myself. Dinner last night was great--two kinds of sish kebabs (chicken and beef), a Persian chicken salad that I really REALLY liked, some interesting rices, and a couple unusual and tasty dips (a cucumber/yogurt dip laden with mint and dill and a roasted eggplant dip with eight pounds of garlic in it--a Persian babaganoush, I suppose) plus lavash bread. But the desserts, well...............the rice pudding was nasty (wrong rice, odd recipe and flavors) and the chocolate cake intended to be Martha's birthday cake.....I did a little interpretation with mixed results. The cake was supposed to be a buttermilk/chocolate cake that you frost in the pan while hot. I decided to make layer cake with it and frost it on a plate. BIG mistake, as it crumbled when the frosting-covered knife hit it. Matt took some candles and did an interpretive thing with it (wish I had a picture--it was hilarious). But based on the amount of "ugly cake" consumed, it was tasty as all get out (and it was).This gets translated into the daily operations of ThreadBear, as well. When I have to disappoint someone, when yarn doesn't come in, when I forget to include something in an order (twice last week.........URGH), or when something falls through the cracks, it really, really bothers me. And Matt and I both realize there's some serious growing pains going on right now--we're not able to give the SNAP customer service that we used to when we were not as busy as we are now. We're eternally grateful for the opportunity we've been given, and as the walk-in business has grown, we've had to do most of our e-order processing in the evening and early in the morning (Tuesday and Wednesday we were up until after midnight boxing up things to send out). And we're still figuring out how to do that most efficiently, even to the point of discussing adding our first "real" employee--YUP. Last week we picked up a second computer, and we're having issues networking the two together and sharing the DSL connection. When there's two machines here, we'll BOTH be able to help folks, Matt can work on the website (which is sorely in need of attention), and we'll both have the opportunity to blog (OK, truth--Matt will be able to blog, as I hog the computer now). I bring this up because the last two weeks have found us behind in getting back to folks and today I got an e-mail from a justifiably irate person in a peninsular state because an e-mail s/he sent went unrecognized for too long and s/he's rightfully upset with me and says s/he won't be back--and they've been fun to work with for awhile now, and I hate it that s/he's disappointed. I'm working on a new way of managing my incoming e-mail, Matt's trying hard to network us, and we're going to focus on being more efficient and using the time we have to the best of our abilities. Another joy for me, running around the blog rings, is but a memory at times when we get ultra-busy, and I am trying hard to keep up with folks and their projects (I get such great inspiration from the other knitters out there). But time's a scarce resource, and I like to focus where I'm needed.
Please don't take this as some sort of "woe is me" or "I can't stand what I'm doing".........it's just me doing a little explaining today, before getting to the fun stuff. And a bit of a public apology to someone as well as an explanation of how things have changed, especially if you've been with us since the beginning.....and watched things grow. So away we go....................
Third Thursday was a blast, but my favorite part is always the sharing and talking and visiting after the chowing down. A special bonus of the evening were the two newbies that joined us from the Louisville area--much thanks to ANNIE and CINDY, who fit in just right with the rest of us at the asylum. Early in the evening I heard Annie claim......."but I am the center of the universe"........yup, she'll fit in perfectly around here! And Cindy brought her wheel and spun a little, and Annie had some beautiful silk that she purchased at Fleece Fair last April (Anita claimed Annie snatched it from her--I hear a little green monster in that story). All in all, it was a smaller group than normal, but a VERY fun one. Deb was tipsy, Anita finished socks, Martha had a birthday, Helen knitted like a fiend, Cathi and Matt showed up later, and of course, Lana and Josh came by! See what Lana did?

It's knitted with Classic Elite's new yarn called Beatrice, which she got last month at Third Thursday (and knitted up in a MONTH). No pattern needed for this knitter, she just followed her good sense of construction and style and came up with this. Supposedly that's version 2.3 or so on the neck, which I think is quite fun. It gives her a little room for some self-expression, too! See....

That's our Lana. And I would have to agree with Josh, eventually she may disappear, as she continues to do a fantastic job with her weight loss. I could learn a good bit from her...........me getting my own zip code last month and all.
If I sound all too maudeline this morning, it's not completely true. I do have PLENTY to make me happy here. We had a ton of Cascade 220 show up yesterday, along with a big box of wonderful books from Interweave Press, including some weaving and crochet titles to go with our spinning and knitting stuff. Also, look at this sofa of love from Uruguay

These kilo bundles, combined with the great patterns and books that were packed in with them, had one heck of a journey over the past two weeks. They went from Massachusetts to Nebraska to Massachusetts to Indiana. WHEW! That would tire you out. But they're home now and they are loved. And amazingly beautiful. And missing their backordered siblings...........but soon, soon they will be united.
And with that, I'm off to get the day started and the shop ready to open in 40 minutes (while Matt snoozes from being up until 4:30 a.m.--those computer types and how they love to be up late). And Ray and Stonering and JoJo and.....--don't you be worrying about me (but it's sweet that you do). We're getting some control on things, and it will be better soon.