Black Dog

Just a little outpost on the web for me to ramble, post pix, share ideas, and be a part of the crowd.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Surprise! Yet Another Random Post

Just a quick note to let y'all know that we're alive, doing VERY well (fat, sassy, and such), and surviving how busy we are here at the shop and the like. The best news is that Matt's Moma is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday afternoon for a four-day stay. While the house is still completely packed into boxes (seriously--I've emptied maybe five since we moved in, and Matt's done maybe two)......she's still coming to see us. We've got some work to do! And he hopes to teach her how to knit while she's in town!

Speaking of knitting, how's about a little knitting content? I'm working on a brand-new project, a multidirectional scarf in Diakeito Diagrouvefine, their alpaca/wool blend. Started it last night at our monthly "Saturday Cinema" night and knit like a madman while we all sniffled through "The Joy Luck Club". I'm nearly done with ball #2, so it's on the homestretch for now.

And........for you shop-a-holics, we did receive a batch of new goodies today (yes, I have a FABULOUS sales rep that takes EXCELLENT care of me!)--yes, on a Sunday. We now have copies of

Stitch N Bitch Nation

Iffin' you want a copy of this brand-new title, you know the drill. Cover price is $15.95, so our price is $14.35. Postage within the United States via Media Mail is $1.84, so your total is $16.19, complete. Michigan residents will need to add 6% sales tax for a total of $17.25. I can get them in the mail right away, so hurry up and get your copy (I have 20 remaining after today's sales, with more coming in a couple days).

We've got tons of other stuff like you wouldn't believe, and I need to share it all with you. We did get over 40 hanks of Lion & Lamb in this week, so iffin' you want to catch Clapotis, I'm glad to be the transmitter. We've got tons of Colinette, all sorts of beautiful fibers from Color Me (a great hand-dyer from Texas), poncho and stole kits from La Lana wools in Taos, and more yarn that I even know what to do with !!!!!
