A Lazy Saturday Morning
Happy Saturday morning! It's just after 8 a.m. EST (yes, standard time--Indiana don't do no daylight savings time, no siree bob) and it's currently 36F outside. Tate went out, took care of things, and quickly came back in this morning. Connor, however, will continue to snooze until she H-A-S to go out. She's like that. But just look at this picture of bliss that's actually taking place about two feet in front of me right now, just past my monitorConnor just let out a big huff/sigh and Tate made one of his trademark groans (for a dog his age and size, he sure is vocal when sleeping). Life around here is good, and I'm very fortunate and thankful for what we have. And I know that it's in large part due to you folks out there reading and visiting and the like. We thank you and appreciate you. From the casual reader to the regular participant--you're all very much a part of why we do what we do here!
Yesterday was a little bit quiet in these parts, but in just a week we'll be in the middle of our Grand Opening weekend. WOW. What seemed so far off when we chose the dates is now upon us. And being prime Leaf Peeper season (we're 20 minutes from Brown County/Nashville, Indiana, some of the only hills in the area and a very picturesque drive this time of year), I've heard it's hard to find overnight accommodations in the area. And no, Sarah, it's not due to our Grand Opening. But thanks for thinking we're that important. Also, good thing you released SweaterMom-To-Be from your no-yarn pact, as her final two skeins of Jamieson 2-ply Spindrift are in transit from California and will complete her "kit" for the Cottage Garden Pullover from Jamieson Shetland Knitting 2. Basically, she'll be buying yarn in just a few days, and now she doesn't have to violate the sacred oath. Oh, and Sarah--the B & F & B (Bed and Fiber and Breakfast) accommodations have stalled out a little bit with the slowing down on the completion of the upstairs of the house--as soon as we move up there, they can renovate the back area into our guest space/dyeing studio. Seriously...........that's our plan.
Now for a tiny bit of "housekeeping" (Digression here..........when I taught at the university level, I used to start every class session off with what I called "housekeeping", which meant anything that was leftover from the last session, any questions about previous information, and any reminders of upcoming important milestones--I borrowed the practice from one of my favorite professors from my graduate work, Dr. Nan Erickson, who used that practice as well and I thought it was brilliant and a great way to get loose ends wrapped up before engaging the group in new things.....Dr. Nan has been a very formative person in how I conduct myself every day, whether I'm teaching someone how to knit or just moving through my appointed rounds here; she impacts my life daily, as do all three of the key folks from my grad school days). Several of you asked for recipes for two of the desserts I prepared for Thursday's food orgy. I'm glad to share, as there's nothing I make in my kitchen that's a closely-held secret. I'd rather have you be able to create some goodness and love from the kitchen and share with your family and friends than keep a silly recipe some sort of "trump card" of my own. Again, just how I was raised.............with very sharing family, friends, professors, and other important people in my life. So here you go:
Speaking of strong women, here's a picture of Low Helen, holding down our washing machine last night
For some strange reason, our washing machine has started to vibrate REALLY HARD during spin cycles (it started after Tuesday, when I pulled out another wharf rat from the water pump, so I figure the self-leveling feet are not doing their job). We got to teasing Helen about the washer and how hard it was spinning, so she went back there last night and held it down, and she was making a steady humming sound that, when coupled with the hard spinning, was hilarious and somewhat weird (the washer had HER shaking hard as well). Rude comments ensued and the rest is (typical) history.
But we did get to play in some yarn last night. We received another large shipment (about 300 skeins) of Philosopher's Wool yesterday. I bask in the lanolin-filled loveliness that is this yarn
Not only is it great for one of their fair isle designs, but we've got an idea for a sweater from a recent book to substitute this yarn for the suggested yarn. Helen went playing in the colors (you know it was her from the palette)
More on this project later, but for now, I'm signing out to get ready for the day, light some candles around the house, and smile while enjoying some memories of people I've known and who have shaped me over the years. In the acknowledgements part of my dissertation, I used a quote that is attributed to Tenneyson....... I am part of all that I have met. That couldn't be any more true--from my formative years in my wild family (on both sides), to my educational process, to the nearly two decades since finishing my bachelor's, through graduate school, university teaching positions, and now ThreadBear and all of the wonderful people along the way, I have been molded and shaped by our interactions. And this includes folks out here reading and those I get to share my days with in person. THANK YOU for being on the journey with me. I am so blessed and sometimes I don't even see it. I'm glad I did today, in a BIG way.