I Couldn't Be Any More Fortunate!
While my Mom went into labor on Hallowe'en 44 years ago, she managed to stave off birth until 6:30 on the morning of November 1st. That means that yesterday was my birthday, and I had a fantastic and joyous day.It actually began the night before, when we got home from the shop around 11:30 p.m. (Wednesday is when we send out our weekly newsletter, and it is typically a long evening for us). I got home first, as Matt lagged behind with shutting down computers and the like. I got to the end of our block (we live on the end of the street, right along the Grand River) and started to turn into our driveway, only to spie this

(yes, our home has two front doors--not our choice, we rent--and we don't know why we have two front doors). We were gifted with the pumpkins from our customer-friend Margaret two weeks prior, when we visited her home, which includes a herd of 13 alpaca and a big vegetable garden. They decorated the stairs for awhile, and some wonderful soul decided to be very kind to us and transform them just a little bit

That's a scarey face on top and a big dog paw on the lower stair. They were illuminated from inside with a candle and were the perfect kind gesture at the end of a long day. I have my suspicions, but there were no damning clues (other than the dog paw, but our love of dogs is no secret). Whomever did it, THANK YOU, and you made me actually tear up while pulling in the driveway. To think that someone cares enough to take the time to do this for us.....I am blessed with amazing friends and customers and family--no doubt!
The day yesterday was filled with lunch with staff/friends, a tasty ice cream cake that Matt picked out, my gift from my Mom, and countless e-mails and cards from a number of folks. To all that made my day so special, THANK YOU! Fourty four ain't so bad!
Today we got to the shop earlier than normal, as we had a visit from a sales rep scheduled for 10 a.m. Had I not slept in, this post would have been up early! We finished up with Therese and then I got to dig through the new stock that came in today. I think my favorite delivery would have to be from our good friends at Lorna's Laces....check these out!

They're a little plastic paint can that has two skeins of Shepherd Sock and a basic sock pattern, all for just $25. Given that Shepherd Sock is $11 a hank and patterns run $4 to $6 for basic socks, it's like getting an ADORABLE storage container for free! Check out a close up

These would be a phenomenal gift for a knitter (or yourself!) and would be fab as a stocking stuffer, no? We have random colourways of the sock yarn and will continue to get more in over the coming weeks. If you're interested, just call the shop (866-939-BEAR), drop by and check the out, or slip us an e-mail and anyone here can help! I'm sure these will be scooting out the door soon!
I've not had much time for knitting lately, but the Ramblin' Rows Afghan out of Blue Sky Dyed Cotton moves along at a decent clip

I'm a couple more blocks further along since this photo, taken last night, and I'm closing in on the finish--under 10 blocks remain. So we all know what that means....NEW PROJECT!!!
Manos del Uruguay is a wonderful company that hand-crafts and hand-dyes beautiful yarns for hand knitting. Their newest addition to the line is part of their Spring/Summer 2008 offerings, and it is amazing stuff

That's 70% merino and 30% silk in a single-ply yarn that's about sport/dk-weight (6 or 5.5 sts/inch), and hanks will be $11.50 retail for 110 yards of loveliness. I have ten hanks of it in the colourway Adobe, so we can get a shop model knitted up in advance of the delivery. Supposedly the first shipment left Uruguay yesterday, with an anticipated delivery date of the 10th in Phillidelphia (where the US distributor is located). I do believe we're the first order in the can, thanks to our fab sales rep, so we should have ours before Thanksgiving, more likely around the 15th.
Last night I resurrected my toe-up sock in Schaefer Heather, as seen here before.

I've pulled the waste yarn and put stitches on dpns for the afterthought heel. That means I'm gonna put that heel in shortly (maybe even tonight). You know you'll see it here when I do.
For now, I'm off to eat lunch with Matt and Sabrina--time for chinese take out!