Black Dog

Just a little outpost on the web for me to ramble, post pix, share ideas, and be a part of the crowd.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oh, Holy Sh#t!

So, we're here in Chicago to attend the "Smart Business Conference" put on by Soho Publishing (the folks that bring us Vogue Knitting, Knit.1, Knit Simple, and tons of great books). We're sitting in the lobby with Gina from Notions Marketing, Meg from Yarn Expressions in Alabama, and a couple other folks passing in and out of the lobby.....

A woman stops by our group, chats us up, and talks a little about knitting, but doesn't have any of her own with her. She said she worked for Soho, our hosts for the week. When asked "who are you?" by me, she said "Trisha Malcolm" ..... HOLY's the editor-in-charge of Vogue Knitting. Talking with us!

Yet another amazing moment, courtesy of our fantastic industry!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm Dreaming, of a White.........EASTER?!?!?!?!?

Yup, folks--we have a white Easter here in mid-Michigan. It's a combination of Michigan Spring weather and early Easter, but it's beautiful!

and it had to be plowed late Friday night

which means we received a decent amount. Turns out that the official report is five inches at the airport, which is just five minutes north of the shop. It made for a fun drive home Friday night, but by Saturday morning the roads were clear. The parking lot, however, was a sheet of ice until after noon.

Today is Easter Sunday and it's 37F (well, it was on my way in just now) and we're open, as always. We ONLY close for Christmas and Thanksgiving--you never know when you'll need a skein or a needle or ????? and you definitely need somewhere to escape to after Uncle Herb has had his sixth hard-boiled egg (they work their way through a digestive system quickly....get OUT OF THE HOUSE).

Plus, there's goodies here...folks have brought in crock pots, I made brownies, and I saw crusty French bread. YUM YUM! Family of choice is the best family....I'm going to spend some time with my family of choice!