A Completely Lazy Day Off
Matt and I are holding true to our promise to take Thursdays off, and that's a good thing. Wednesdays are typically a late day for us, as we prepare and send the weekly e-mail newsletter for the shop, the brunt of which falls on Matt as he handles it last (I write it, he does the formatting, sending), meaning he's up later, typically. Again, in typical fashion, I fell asleep on the couch after 1 a.m. and he got home around 3:30 a.m., chowed on the remains of pizza that I got on the way home, and then everyone turned in. I got up around 6:30 a.m. and farted around on the computer for awhile, then went back to bed util around 11 a.m. (lazy me!). The remainder of the day, for me, has been spent knitting (a little), online (a lot), and now blogging. Not a bad day! He's off getting his hair cut and then seeing "Sweeny Todd" with our mistress of the hair, Laurie (I didn't care to see the movie, so I'm home with the pups enjoying the solace of pups, an impending BIG snowstorm (predictions are up over a foot on the ground by the end of it all, tomorrow afternoon---none yet, as of 9:30ish), and now blogging.I promised a little bit of "flash that new stock" in my last post, so lemme get that out of the way first off. We had a nice delivery from our good friends at Lorna's Laces, including several bags of Shepherd Sock (215 yds/50g hank, $11 retail). Check out these great multis

We've not had the Jay Pond since moving to Lansing, over 3.5 years ago. Odd, as we've had it in other yarns, and I like the shade. The Blackwatch is one of my faves from them (I carry a Polo Blackwatch Plaid wallet, purchased in the early 90s), and the Purple Club is a perennial favorite in these parts. The other two are seasonal favorites--Valentine and Mardi Gras. Best of all, the Mardi Gras is a ThreadBear exclusive (woohoo!). For those who want to do stitch work with a sock-weight yarn, we did get some solids, too

The Firefly is a relatively new shade for Lorna's, and we've not had Island Blue in forever. Peach, Brick, and Carrot are typically strong for us as well. There was one other sock-type yarn in the batch

Shepherd Sport in Denim (200 yds/70g hank, $11 retail). Ah, the joys of super-soft and pretty hand-dyed wools!
What was I knitting on all day? Well, it's about high time I get busy on that second version of the striped scarf out of Elegant Yarns Kaleidoscope, no? I tore out what I had knitted previously, as it was a little loose for my taste (colors were in my 1/22 post). I had a little fun this evening, lying on the floor and shooting artsy-fartsy pics for the blog. Check out one from the cast on upwards, while draped over a chair

and the other from the stitches on the needle cable downward

I was kinda bored/dissatisfied with how it started out, but I'm really liking the color play that's happening in the last six to eight inches, especially when combined with the texture from the rib stitch I'm using. I want this scarf completed ASAP, but I do have Betsy's Socks calling my name, out of the Classic Elite Alpaca Sox shown here previously. Hmmmmmmmm, maybe swatching is in order as soon as I finish up here.
Our store manager Sabrina called me after the shop closed at 8 p.m. tonight to talk over a few of the things that transpired over the course of the day. She's headed to some dogsled something-or-other with her husband tomorrow, way up towards the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Not quite the romantic get-away she had in mind, but.....fun, I'm sure. She said that they're still working on the last part of the deliveries from Tuesday (I told you it was a massive delivery day!), and that new stuff galore arrived again today
Yum yum yum....it means another busy day of entering invoices and making price tags for me, but for new product, I'll GLADLY do that sort of labor. Hopefully we can get it all stickered and out for the big weekend ahead. With our great staff, I'm sure it can happen!
I promised, in my last post, a photo of the Tater this time around

That's a shot nabbed from Matt's blog, where there's more pics of both dogs and a funny story about a dog-related purchase he made yesterday. Slide over there and check out the entire entry--it's well worth the click.
Back soon with more progress and goodies, as we're being overrun with new goodies daily. If you need anything you see above, just contact the shop by phone (866-939-BEAR toll free) or slip us an e-mail to get the ball rolling. In the mean time, stay warm, and knit like hell!