Yes, I Know I'm Supposed To Be Off On Tuesdays
But I needed to post and wanted to do it after my sock class at
the shop last night, but it ran late (10 p.m. vs. 9 p.m.) due to a couple folks getting to class late and my need to make sure everyone leaves with at least one sock completed at the end of the third/final session. So we worked until everyone was able to graft their toe closed and model their finished sock(s) for us. Success!
First picture is mainly for Sandy in Green Bay (HI SANDY!), as she asked about the new whimsical tape measures that we recently received

I think my favorite part is the pull on the tape measure part--it's a fuchsia spring for the pig, a little car for the car, a tail for the tiger, etc...SO CUTE! They $9 each, with some in limited supply (down to the last one or two), so if you're interested,
e-mail me and we'll get the process started. They're terribly cute and I'm in love with the tiger striped one, as
my alma mater's mascot is the tiger and it was my Dad's nickname for me as a toddler.
I've gotten a little done on my version of
Sorbonne, a new design using
Colinette Parisienne, one of their three new yarns for fall. Here's my progress shot to date

The strange line in the middle of the knitting is an issue with the photo I snapped being slightly corrupted when
Matt went to work it over in PhotoShop. Not overly impressive (SORRY Kristi!), but it is pretty...check out the up close shot

to enjoy the beautiful detail of the lace stitch. It's fairly simple to execute and the four-row repeat was easy to memorize (two rows are just purling back across), so it's a good pick-up-and-put-down kinda project.....I've just been too good at putting it down of late, and I am now staring a deadling in the face (July 15th will come too quickly!).
What's had me distracted?

I feel like I've been knitting one of the above-mentioned characters.....see

that's my version of the
Knit Ruana, a pattern from
Oat Couture. I'm doing mine out of Blue Heron Silk-Rayon Twist in the Parrot colourway, and it's amazing! And addictive! The pattern is written for three gauges (worsted, bulky, and superbulky) and mine's the middle one. The yarn has incredible drape and the knitted fabric is just stunning! You'll see it in the completed form tomorrow, as I
WILL finish it today (I have under 50 rows left, so it will be a 96-hour project...I started it Friday late in the afternoon).
Other than that, it's just been a normal weekend and into the next week for me and
Matt. I need to run home (I'm at
the shop right now) as he has a hair cut appointment in a half an hour and I've got knitting to do!
Be well, knit like mad, and look for finished pictures of the ruana (and progress pix on the Parisienne sweater) tomorrow! PROMISE!