A Philosophy of Excess
OK OK OK ...... I'll post. (grin) Thanks so much for all of the kind notes encouraging me to spend a little time here in blogland, despite being pulled in six directions in other aspects of life. Miss Sarah, your kind note is behind this. Thank you! And let it be widely known that the variety of thoughtful notes, caring concern, and encouraging words are really helping these days. We are keeping an impossible schedule, and I'm afraid it's starting to wear on Matt just a little bit--he's been a little under the weather of late, not to mention under the gun. But.......we persist. As my maternal Gram used to say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Nothing like a little Eastern European work ethic to keep you motivated. She was one amazing woman who led a hard but wonderfully full life--and I have her to thank for starting all of this. My Grandma Petraitis is the one that taught me how to knit and crochet, while spending time with her when I was 5 or 6 years old. So I'm reminded of her love and generous spirit every day of my life.Excess.......it's been the watchword in these parts. Last night I had excessive enrollment in my beginning knitting class. We cap enrollments at six, and suddenly there were eight folks around the table. It appears that through a clerical error in December, I had my hands full in January. But an adventurous spirt by them and good arch support in my shoes got us through it. Nearly everyone took off like mad on their practice, and by the end of the evening we had four folks with several inches of scarf, two ladies with a good start on the base of their felted bag project, another with the gauge swatch for her hat (she knows how to knit from coming by last fall, so she's starting something from a pattern now), and another starting her bag base after class. SUCCESS! They'll be back next week for more.
But back to excess..........Monday we had 18 boxes arrive. You'll see pictures below of parts of the shipment, but Tuesday brought us four boxes and Wednesday three more. That's 25 boxes in three days, and given the conversations I've had with vendors this week, I know of at least four more shipments that are in transit and scheduled to land by Friday. I had a good conversation with the folks at one place and I know for certain that the remainder of the Noro yarns have left New York City and should be here today or tomorrow, without question (they've done the billing, which means the yarn left a day or two ago). Just out of morbid curiousity, I did some adding........this week alone, we'll receive over $100,000 (retail) in new inventory in five days ($84,000 from KFI alone, which frightens me at some level, because that's a lot of yarn from one place). That's excessive......and what did we do first thing on Monday--order more, from a different supplier (tons of fun stuff from Italy, the new colors of Silky Wool and the new line of cottons that is featured in her second book, out in February). This leads me to my next point (including photos, finally)

Good things from SR Kertzer and Lorna's Laces up first. We now have an incredible batch of yarns to make the Radiating Throw (seen below, in the box in the back to the left of the basket). The front box is Kertzer Persia and Ranee

Oh, and in the basket? Yup--that's Lorna's Laces Angel, in the Aslan colourway

I now have 16 hanks of this incredible yarn that are available for adoption to a good home. Four skeins will make Theresa's incredible scarf and they're $9 each from us ($10 regular retail). Drop me a note if you're in need. Back to the beauty.
This is Ranee

We received several bags of this beautiful stuff and it's perfect for a little pop of color around your neck (Sarah has a freebie pattern that works up nicely with this and a strand of eyelash) or for a fun shell-style top. I really like Kertzer yarns--we've stocked their Fizz family of yarns since fall, and for spring/summer we've added their Butterfly 10 cotton

This stuff is amazing mercerized cotton in a cabled yarn at the dk-weight. I'm sure I'll show you more of it in the near future. We have other cottons on hand currently, including Sirdar's Pure Cotton

and King Tut Cotton (yes, the box was destroyed in transit--taped to within an inch of its life to make it here, but the yarn was safe)

What's that? more color?

Yup, that's more cotton--Lily Multi from Noro and Distrato and Beauty Cotton (barber-pole only right now) and California by Gedifra. But oh, the beauty of Lily Multi

And of course, it wouldn't be Monday without a delivery from Koigu Wool Designs and our great friends up there (HI TAIU, HI MAIE). Two monster-sized boxes (73 pounds of yarn). Here's a tiny bit

All kinds of good things, including some incredible multis in Kersti, some great KPM solids, and a bunch of KPPPM multis (and two full dye lots of that elusive P118 for the baby blanket), and more. There's a good bit of solid Kersti in there as well, as evidenced by the beauty shot on the couch

Rachael and I have had a few conversations about using Kersti (solids in her case) for Alice S-omebody's "Cromarty". I think it will be a fab project. I'm sure you'll see it over at her site shortly............if she succumbs.
There's even a couple dye lots of Rumba (their brushed mohair), including the amazingly beautiful black mohair with hot pink accents.

Half of it was spoken for while we unpacked a little on Monday (one of our locals/new helpers nabbed it), then Em grabbed a few, and someone else claimed dibs a couple days ago but I haven't heard from her since. If I don't, they may go back out for adoption. By the way, check the gratuitous Koigu shot above, with the ELECTRIC PINK mohair in the background of the picture. Fluffy, pink cotton candy to knit with!
And with that, I'm outta here. Time to go shower, get the place ready for the day, and prepare for my beginning crochet class this afternoon. Back soon, I promise! (when we get out from under all of the new yarn headed this way..........).