We Are Online!
Through the miracles of modern technology (and Matt's technical prowess) we are officially "back to normal" (well, connected to the web) at home. We're getting caught up on an e-mail backlog, we're catching up on filling orders, and we're (someday) going to read blogs that we've missed for the past week. It feels good to be "normal" again.I have some pictures from last night's marathon shelf-stocking event, featuring Low Helen, her neice Amy (who's becoming a wonderful fixture around here---she adores animals and Connor and Tate adore her; we're pretty fond of her too, and she's recently learned to knit and does GREAT work--I've shown a couple of her projects here), and Amy's grandmothers (one of them being Helen's mom, Mary). Both grams are knitters, and good ones at that, but they sat back and watched (nee supervised) and kibbutzed (see Debala for details). So much so that Matt and I turned to eachother and said ..."Statler and Waldorf.......in female form". Then busted up laughing, as we both hit it on the head. Anyway, here's Low Helen, hard at work

See, she's got an entire wall of shelves to fill. And plenty of yarn to fill it with, trust me. So she makes some progress, we drink some Diet Coke, Amy goes for Arby's for dinner (mmmm, mmm...onion chips and 2 for $3 beef-n-cheddars.......dinner of champions, no?), and we get busy. Boy, does Helen get busy

In case you were wondering about the wall color, it's called Gypsy Rose and is part of the Laura Ashley collection at Lowe's. Here's a close-up of it, and yes, it is as beautiful as it appears on the walls.

Enjoy, and I'll be back soon! WE'RE BAAAAAAAAAACK!