Black Dog

Just a little outpost on the web for me to ramble, post pix, share ideas, and be a part of the crowd.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Cynthia to the Rescue!

A big, fat, honkin' THANK YOU to Cynthia P of Chicago's north side ("hi Roooooooooob") for pointing me to the Rebecca website for the errata on the sweater I had put into time out. Not only do they have the right chart online but the sweater is one full pattern repeat beyond where it was stalled out, as I printed off the chart last night and knitted on the sweater this morning. I'm REALLY loving knitting with Samoa, a spongey cotton/microfiber blend (Sue H knows what I mean..she adores spongey yarns of all blends and types).

THANK YOU CYNTHIA FOR SAVING MY PROJECT! Especially when a call to the US distributor's "she can help all who call" person proved completely useless and she seemed particularly annoyed that I bothered her with such a trivial question as "if I follow the chart as written I get a different knitted result when compared to the picture in the pattern book". Her advice was to knit it as written, as she would have composed the chart that way herself. She could NOT be bothered.....what a wenchlet.

Lucy Neatby is here for three days of workshops this week, and I'm sitting in on "Scintillating Socks" all day tomorrow. We've had nothing but RAVE reviews of her two days of seminars so far, so I'm sure I'm in for a treat tomorrow. I got a great picture of her tonight, at our local knitting guild's knit night.....more later!