Summertiiiiiiiiiiime, and the Knittin' is Easy
My apologies to the classics.......but it's true! Despite it being over 90F here this week (and nice and humid, as we're known for in the Midwest), folks are still knitting up a storm. And I keep looking for the next best thing to be working on. Being the king of small projects (easy in, easy out, not much yarn), you may feel free to turn to me for inspiration......I turn to "why not pass it on?" is my theory.I was reading Chris' blog this morning and stumbled upon her latest project. And I couldn't resist. You can find the pithy pattern here, but trust me, you don't need a long, detailed explanation to make this work. And yes, I succumbed....check it out

Since I won't be rockin' the pink thongs (more on this terminology later), I decided to try them two ways. Matt picked up a $3 pair of thongs at the Super Wally World this morning, before we opened, and I made both of those in about an hour's time this afternoon. I think they're terribly fun, they were a hit with the folks here this afternoon (Lana tried them on and gave them two thumbs up for comfort). So I highly recommend making a pair, even just for frivolity's sake. I used remnants of Crystal Palace Splash in Key Lime (you can easily make a couple pairs or more from one ball) and Filati FF's Park (one ball for a pair)--coincidentally, the Park is part of the giant "exorcising the yarn shop" sale we're running right now (see below).
Thongs--my calling the above footwear by this name sparked a conversation this afternoon that revealed a very regional, very split decision. Those of us raised in the upper Midwest (me in Chicago, as you know from reading, as well as a couple others) know the footwear as thongs. The further south you go into the lower Midwest/deep South (Matt and others), the more likely you are to call them flip-flops. I guess we Yankees are just more terse (or efficient...) with our vocabulary, no? Call me silly (YOU'RE SILLY), but I found it interesting.....kinda like the Missouri phenomenon of it being POP in Kansas City and SODA in St. Louis (or even SODIE if you're from St. Louis County proper). Having attended Mizzou for my academic training, I always enjoyed being able to pinpoint cities of origin on campus by what someone called a carbonated beverage.
Time for a little braggin.........check this out

That's Angie, who cuts our hair. She succumbed to the knitting bug LESS THAN four weeks ago and what you see above is her fourth (fifth?) felted bag since learning to knit on April 26th. AMAZING! That bag is the Tote Around design from (we stock every one of her patterns and ADORE Janet!). Angie used the new shades of Lamb's Pride Worsted in Kiwi, Rosado Rose, and Tiger Lily (with a little left over Cascade 220 thrown in for a pop). Excellent work!
And this is Kim (well, parts of her), who is in the same class as Angie, but learned to make garter stitch scarves (Daryl Hannah's favorite!) last winter, but is learning more advanced stuff in class. See

That's the Chicago Bag, Blue Line Edition, designed by Theresa. You can get the pattern from her by clicking on that first link (which I recommend, so she gets full profit for her hard work and design prowess), or you can get it from us (if you want yarn or ???, it's easy to toss in the package with other things). Kim did hers up in three shades of pink in our Cascade 220, my favorite fiber for felting. I think the bag is DYNAMITE (she striped it on her own) and for a first "real" project (following a written pattern and everything), Kim did an outstanding job.
The other class member, Tammy, has some fab bags of her own to show off. I'll share photos of her work shortly (after Monday's final session). Stay tuned!
Many of you were curious about my semi-cryptic note about clearing out yarns from our shelves. Not just any yarn, or all things we carry, but strategically-chosen lines. So here's what I said in our newsletter (sign up from the ThreadBear main page if you're not already receiving my weekly/Wednesday notes but are interested--use the blue box on the bottom of the page).
OK--change is in the air around here, and we're embracing it with both arms, both hands, all fingers, and more. We like it and personally, I (Rob) thrive on it. So here's to change, and here's to a good bit of it around here in the coming days.....
All yarns that come to us from Knitting Fever/Euro Yarns are being discontinued here at ThreadBear. Over the past several months, we've had a definite love/hate relationship with this company and we have decided it is time to part ways. As we've met with yarn sales reps over the past month or so (and into next month at yarn market) we've been substituting certain other yarns for things we used to buy from KFI/Euro, and others we'll just stop carrying.
So here's what it means to you......starting today (FRIDAY, MAY 21st) and until they're gone, all yarns and pattern books distributed by KFI/EuroYarns are 25% off regular retail. Here's a list of companies involved in the sale
Debbie Bliss
Schachenmayr (including all Regia sock yarns)
On Line
Araucania (wools and cotton)
All KFI/Euro labels (Flutter, Dazzle, Gioco, Carnival, King Tut, Pansies, and more)
Elsebeth Lavold (her Silky Wool yarn and newer books--NOT the original "Viking Collection")
Elizabeth Austen (all fabric/quilted totes)
Filati FF (tons of things that have never been on the sales floor)
You'll see some wonderful yarns represented in that list (Noro for example) and it made this decision VERY difficult, but we've got to take a stand and have some principles here, especially when others do not. I'm not slinging mud (ancient proverb--"He who sling mud lose ground"--VERY sage advice), and there's truth to every story I've heard of late (I've spoken directly with the parties involved, actually), and this is a difficult decision to make, as we LOVE some of these fibers (I'll hate losing Elsebeth Lavold, and her new stuff for fall is divine--we had preordered it all). 'Nuff said..........
To see their yarns and color cards, do visit
We don't stock everything by them, but we do have a wide variety of things.
Second Thing
So what will we do with all of the new "space" in our inventory? more! We've already started adding yarns that we feel are perfect substitutes for some of the above lines and individual fibers (for example Rowan has a wool/cotton at the DK weight that's very similar to Debbie Bliss Wool/Cotton, so now we'll carry that; we've added other eyelash yarns instead of Flutter; I have various patterning sock yarns instead of Regia; and so forth). We've seen the new designs from Jamieson & Simply Knit (the new book is called "Simply Shetland" and is coming in September........GET IN LINE's a TOTAL winner). And just Thursday I contracted with an INCREDIBLE yarn company to add their entire line of yarns (a dozen different yarns in various fibers, with INCREDIBLE pattern support) that we'll start receiving around mid-July (trust me on this one, it's heavenly!). And there's more as well.........that we can't wait to introduce y'all to!
back to my blog entry We've had good response in person and in mail order to the announcement, and I've had several of you readers compliment us on taking a stand, thank us for doing something that we believe is a matter of principle, and for going on a limb in a way that many shop owners want to do but aren't ready to take that leap of faith. I am deeply appreciative of your kind words and supportive notes. It just proves to me that we're fighting the good fight!