Lascivious Lust for Lorna's Laces Lanas *.....
Finally........if there's one thing I hate, it's when Blogger craps out on me and prevents me from posting something wonderful. And boy, did Blogger try my patience today. Good thing I have the wonderful sound of Connor sleeping very soundly just behind my computer desk--I can hear her snoring loudly on the sofa, where she's lying just under the air conditioner. Whoever coined the phrase "dumb dog" can kiss my backside....I start today's blog with a big shout out to Bonne Marie over at ChicKnits. She came out of the color closet and admitted her addiction to orange in a wonderful way, showcasing one of the free patterns from Lana Grossa. This month's feature uses their Brillo, a great tape yarn of microfiber, rayon, and linen. Coincidentally, we just made it the June featured yarn on the front of the ThreadBear main page. I swear, great minds..........first Theresa, now Bonne Marie.....I'm in fab company.
Here's our current stock of Brillo

It's 50% microfiber, 40% rayon, and 10% linen, 90m (99y) to the ball, and knits around aran gauge (18m/30r) over 10cm, and they suggest a 4mm-5mm needle. Great news! It's machine washable, too! All that for just $8.95 retail (so $8.06 from us). I see a variety of applications for this fiber, many of which could be great tanks and tops and more. Check out this list of free tank and shell patterns on the net for inspiration. For fiber, hit me up.
It was Lorna's Laces day here yesterday. I get a box of love from them regularly, as they ship to me every other Friday. Gotta love that kind of service, no? They take great care of me, always meet my requests in a timely manner, and are just incredible to work with. THANK YOU (if you're reading this). No shipment from them would be complete with some of the awesome Shepherd Sock yarns.....

There's the latest colourways we have, added to the other STUFFED cubbies of their great yarns. As always, they're $9.25 retail each, so $8.33 from us--two hanks for a pair of socks for almost any feet. And we have tons of great patterns to go with, if you're wanting to try something new.
Also in the box was some of their wonderful Lion & Lamb, their silk/wool single.

I'm in lust with this stuff, and you can see why. The luster is awesome and the yardage perfect for a scarf in just one hank. Or pick up a few hanks and make a lucious top. Or maybe a one-hank purse like no other. $26.10 from us ($29 retail) for a ton of yardage and all that beauty. AND SILK! Besides, look what you can do with it

That's simple stockinette (blocked very well) and knitted for us by the incredible Maie Landra from Koigu Wool Designs. You can bet that's one of my cherished possessions, as she knitted it for ME. I made a scarf with the Pioneer colourway of this yarn

using a free pattern I'm glad to supply if you'd like it, should you order the yarn. As I said, one ball makes a rather lengthy scarf, especially in this pattern.
More silk, you say? How's about some Helen's Lace

I love this stuff for two main reasons--awesome yardage in a hank (1,250) and a free pattern on the label for their awesome pie shawl, which means under $50 for a great project ($48 retail/$43.20 from us). The wool is lovely and she sheen from the silk is incredible. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Speaking of demonic treats, how's about some Angel

Yeah, so it's $10.35 a hank ($11.50 retail). So what? You're worth it. And you can make an incredble ribbed scarf with four hanks or this fun skinny scarf with three--both from the awesome mind of Theresa. I have many other colors, but these are the three new arrivals.
In a mohair mood? Like yours neutral? It doesn't get any better than this

That's their Glory, in Aslan. I've got an entire bag of this stuff, minus a couple skeins for a certain someone in Texas (are you out there? answer your e-mail!). $12.60 each from us, as they're $14 retail. I'm already thinking about fall/winter knitting, and I see this stuff used in scarves, sweaters, felted with a strand of wool in mittens, and so much more. We've got a good bit on hand in a wide variety of colourways, and there was a pattern in a magazine this spring for a two-hank shoulder wrap that was a nice design.
One more addition before I go into the big feature for this delivery. I'm just learning the joys of their yarn known as Dove

It's 80% wool and 20% cotton and I can't wait to felt with some of it, especially in the multi-colored hanks that came in last time in Purple Club and Mother Lode. Lorna's does have a vest pattern that uses this that could be really cool, too!
One of the most amazing things that comes from this company is their Sampler Bouquet, which is a combination of eight different fibers bundled together in a colourway--some are multis and some are coordinating solids, and all are beautiful. We have six new bundles on hand, after being cleaned out on these in April. Let's see what lovelies are here now

Watercolor is one of my favorite combinations and you can see why. It's a variety of colors in lovely hues. I'm also pretty fond of Mother Lode

Again, dusky and beautiful colors in combination. Good stuff!
One of the newer colourways at Lorna's is their Blackwatch

When they came out with this one in February, I was happy (I carried a Polo Blackwatch wallet for years in the early 90s..I loved that billfold). Purple lovers have a hard time resisting this one

Given her addiction of late, I expect a call from the lovely Em shortly..........ring ring.
Attention Ohio State or Georgia fans.......

here's the perfect pack for your knitting pleasure (others too, if your favorite colors or team colors are reds and blacks and greys). And last, but not least, the pastel lovers have something, too
This is the colorway used in the model for the Radiating Throw (featured in Sampler Pack #2) when the pattern was in Knit N Style last October. I showed the picture here last April (archives, baby). And if a throw isn't your speed, check out the three Sampler Bouquet pattern booklets produced by these folks and that we have on hand

Vests, ponchos, throws, shrugs, a ponchita, and more. This is a versatile yarn pack, and if you're into that multi-fiber kind of thing, you should indulge. $148 retail for the fibers ($133.20 from us) and $8 retail ($7.20 from us) each for the pattern packs. And hours of very inspiring knitting.
On the Charlotte's Web front, Matt's posting new combinations right now. Hurry! And did you see the fun and frivolity going on over at Kerstin's blog? Chcek out her "many uses for Charlotte" entry on June 2. And completely ignore the fact that she's two- timing us at Patternworks. EEEK! I gotta get Taiu on the phone and get more yarn YESTERDAY (it's coming soon, but it's been awhile and we're getting desperate here). Just hung up with Richard and they're at the hospital again. I need yarn, but I also appreciate their family's need to tend to things........ARGH! The duality of it all........keep those positive thoughts flowing into Canada for them, folks....they could use it.
*lanas being wools.......yarns........cuz Yarn didn't fit the illiteration