I Was Boldfaced Wrong (or just terribly mistaken)
A couple weeks ago I trusted the information of an outside source and it turns out I in turn passed along misinformation.Perspective here....it was just about the availability of a felted flower pattern set, not something like national security. But if you're into this sort of thing (and we are around here), it's still important.
I was asked if we had a pattern for three-dimensional felted flowers....like on the back of the Patternworks catalog, and based on what I was told, I said it was a Patternworks exclusive. WRONG-O, Robbo!
Iffin' you have the need to make these

felted flowers and such, I have several dozen of the pattern available for just $6.30 each (plus postage, probably 60 cents or 83 cents inside the US, and 6% tax if in Michigan).
I'm making good progress on the back of a sweater I started last Wednesday (I should finish it tonight, most likely) and I've stalled on a different sweater from the same book (same yarn, different shade) because I've switched to garment #2 ('cuz it's prettier....). I'll do a review of the pattern book and the yarn and show my two in-progress goodies in a day or two...PROMISE. We're just temporarily out of stock on the book, as several locals saw me knitting out of it over the past week and bought all of our copies!
Our Muench/GGH shipment is already in transit (stalk it here using this tracking number 1Z8855587240649191) and scheduled to arrive this Thursday. It's 113 pounds of summer yarns and.....REBECCA MAGAZINES! We'll have them before the week is out! HOORAY!Now that's a happy Monday!