Makin' Up For Lost Time
Sorry about the hiatus, folks. And
much thanks for the comments, tagboard notes, and e-mails about how you miss entries and hope everything is alright. Everything is fine, so to speak. It's just that the third week of the month, every month, gets a little busy. Monday is a knit night in Franklin, so that means a drive. Tuesdays are knit night in Columbus, so we're busy. Thursdays are our monthly Third Thursday Knit Night and Dinner, so it's beyond hella busy, and this month we had a day-long workshop thingie to run for our great Indy dental office ladies. Then the weekend hit--and Saturday was recovery day, plus a busy day at the shop, Sunday was the same, plus the start of our monthly gathering for locals who are interested in pursuing the
TKGA certification for
Master Knitter--Level I. WHEW! No wonder I can't scare up enough time to post anything! But I'm back now, after last night's monthly function (details below).
It's NIPPY here this morning (I just checked for a temperature online and it's in the low 50s). I need some
Fuzzy Feet! A cool, crisp Indiana morning must mean that fall is finally here. HOOO-RAAAAY. It all makes sense now--
Teresa just posted that the atumnal equinox hit this morning around 6:45 a.m. EDT, right about the time I finished last night's dishes and sat down at the computer this morning.
My So-Called Fabulous Life is summed up in these two photos, the spoils of Third Thursday (no comments about the heinous acrylic crocheted granny square af-a-ghan, please--it comes with a story)

You mean if you put them on the washing machine, they don't come clean? Oh.........

(note to
Clara--yes, that is your
Boys Who Knit mug that you gifted me with earlier this year. Yes, it's been shanghaied by
Matt and he uses it almost daily--when it's washed daily). This, my friends, is just part of the fun that faces us the next morning on Third Friday--and now we don't have a dishwasher in the new place (YET), so it's even more of a chore. And with a busy Friday already lined up (we left for Indy at 7:30 a.m.), these lovelies greeted us when we returned. Mmmmmmmmmm. I'm so glamorous.
Third Thursday was a very fun evening, especially since it was our first one here in Columbus (August was on hold, as we had just moved in and the place was a wreck!). I fixed Italian-themed foods, so we had stuffed shells, chicken cacciatore, rice and veggie salad (it wasn't good--no one ate it either), garlic bread, green salad, stuffed mushroom caps, tiramisu, brownies,
chocolate ricotta pie, and more. If your memory is excellent, you'll remember that Tate found us in the latter part of July, and with the move and more, this was his first Third Thursday. And people love him so much (as do we)--several have said that if he goes "missing" to check their homes first. So, combine rich human food with a cute dog and folks with sympathetic souls........and you get a dog that no longer had a waist--he was BLOATED after all of the grazing (he even ate green salad). Connor got her share, don't worry. But people fed Tate constantly. And he was in a deep sleep by the time we turned in. (this all figures in to the next day....LOL).
Speaking of Indy, we had a B-L-A-S-T with this group on Friday. Lois and Adie are the ringleaders (HI TO EVERYONE) and we met at Adie's lovely home on the northeast side of Indy. We got there right at 9 a.m., as the crowd started forming. We brought our yarnmobile (my Explorer, laden with stuff) and set up on tables around the pool. Feeding frenzy commenced, folks got started on projects, and we knitted and learned and laughed and ate and had a great day away from the
mother ship. Well, we left Amy, Low Helen's neice (HI AMY, HI HELEN), in charge of things at home. Given his intake of the previous evening, let's just say that Italian food doesn't agree with Tate. Amy had her hands full, between folks coming into the shop, the phone ringing, and the dog....well.....not feeling up to par. After a few incidents, he spent a good portion of the day in the back yard. 'Nuff said. And we're putting up some "please don't feed the dogs" signs for next Third Thursday....LOL.
But you came here for So I need to get busy. I've been knitting, but not particularly interesting stuff. It's pretty, it's fun, but it's not the challenge of a good fair isle, or the beauty of deep texture. But it's pretty....see

We got in a nice, hefty order from
S.R. Kertzer on Thursday, in the middle of getting ready for that evening. We loaded up on Fizz, Multi-Fizz, and Magic Buttons DK back in July with the sales rep, and just now arrived. The yarn got put on shelves and sort of left alone for a few days. I discovered it again over the weekend and went a little nutso on scarves. These are scarves made by holding multiple colors together at once. I think they're fun, and some of the new knitters in town do as well--it's moving the yarn and it's a quick project for them.
Again, not a fascinating project, but one that's good for reading blogs and mindless knitting while doing so, is this fun thing. I'm knitting what will become a felted jacket/coat. The back is nearly a yard of stockinette stitch and is nearly complete, as of yesterday--see

The most amazing thing about it is the color--a rich royal purple with heathering of pink and blue.

This yarn felts amazingly well (no, it's not
Cascade 220)--try again), this particular color is enticing (right Cathi?), and the felted fabric has a great hand. Given that the remainder of the project is similar to this piece (minimal shaping, vapid knitting, etc.) I hope to have it done shortly. Especially if I find time to read the ring for a change.
Mango Moon Recycled Silk
sweater from a kit is moving along nicely (I promised a picture last week, so here goes)

Again, pretty vapid knitting, so I should be able to knock this out shortly as well. (Yes, that's a Denise needle hanging off the end--of course I'm using my set, and we got another box of 18 on Friday, while Amy was here) We have a dozen or more of these silk and mohair sweater kits arriving in the beginning of October (they're ordered, but the folks at Mango Moon are so busy that it will take a couple weeks or so to get things packaged and shipped). I can see why they're busy--great fibers, great designs, and awesome finished projects. MORE MORE MORE
Our Monday brought a box of fun that I've been looking for since I found out last week it was being shipped........behold the majesty of a pile of lovely
Mountain Colors yarns

We received a little bit more stock in their 4/8s wools

new additions to our supply of the wonderful Moguls

including some of the elusive new colorways in Wilderness and Pheasant and more. Also in the box was some of the last Mountain Goat available until November (there's a shortage of the blank/undyed yarn used to make it) and I all but cleaned them out with this batch

I've got my eye on the Sierra in the bottom right or the Obsidian in the upper left, but that Bitterroot Rainbow in the lower left is wicked as well. Check out the new colorway Sweet Lavender on the lower right--it just shimmers in the Mountain Goat. Ya gotta love the way mohair takes color. I think my next mindless knitting project is going to be one of these, using the Goat
Julie made one of these this summer and it's a fun, single-skein project that shouldn't be missed. So I won't. You'll see progress here shortly---any suggestions on colorways? You see which I like..........what would you like to see done up?
Also in the box were two skeins of the elusive Bearfoot sock yarn from these folks. Just two skeins--of a much larger order that we've got in the queue. Now that the blank/base yarn has arrived, they are dyeing like mad and filling orders. This stuff in quite nice--60% superwash wool, 25% mohair (nice and durable), and 15% nylon. It knits at a suggested gauge of 6-7 sts/inch and I look forward to starting some socks with it shortly. We received two colorways

Lupine (a new colorway for Fall 2003 in all of their yarns) and Bitterroot Rainbow (one of my all-time faves from them). I can't wait to see more of this stuff, as I'm sure the interesting blend of materials in the yarn will make for some gorgeous colorways.
Last but not least, the fourth Monday of the month means
Philosopher's Wool Sweater Group here at ThreadBear. We fell in love with their designs and sweaters when we lived in Michigan a couple years ago, and we had the distinct pleasure of meeting Ann and Eugene Bourgeouis at the
LYS in the Lansing area. They put on a one afternoon workshop, told their story, shared their two-handed (weaving) fair isle technique, and answered tons of questions. At the time, it was just a five-hour drive to Inverhuron for us, which is more like ten now that we're south of Indy--but I still want to make a run up there sometime soon. Many around the blog ring have castigated these sweaters and this wool as harsh (it's not overly processed), simplistic (worsted- and bulky-weight designs), and many other descriptors. Fine--you don't have to knit one. Just like I don't have to knit with Rowan's Summer Tweed because I think it smells like a catbox. (grin) Opinions are great, no matter which side of the fence you sit on. Many around the ring have also made one of their sweaters--
Cindy, and more come to mind right away, and
Sarah is the queen of PW knitting--she's made a few and has had dozens of folks in her classes, and continues on to this day.
I've had a devil of a time with this sweater project, mostly because I didn't practice before starting (causing me to not like the knitted fabric), due to me not liking the color striping I did in the cuff, and due to my being overly picky of the finished look of my knitting (see above). So I've started this sleeve a grand total of five times--this latest incarnation being one I'm definitely going to love and live with. See

I had the cuff completed from a previous month's dinner and knitting gathering, but I did the three rows of diamonds and a little bit of the first motif last night. I like the way the colors and the design are coming out and I'm quite happy with the progress I made last night. I tend to only work on this project on the specific evening of the month we have dinner-n-knitting, so it languishes in my WIP list for a month at a time. No longer. I'm excited about the design, I like the texture of the sleeve so far, and I watched their video twice yesterday (it is dorky, CHRISTY, but I still get inspired by the designs and the colors--so there!). I'm enthused and this will be a project I work on alot in the coming days -- HOLD ME TO THAT PROMISE.
And with that, I need to dart to get ready for the day. Whew--that was a whopper of an entry. I guess I made up for lost time, no? BE WELL, KNIT LIKE MAD, and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND EACHOTHER!