Time Keeps on Slippin' Slippin', Into the Future
Again, stealing a lead-in from
Wabi-Sabi, who doesn't seem to use lyrical introductions any longer......this old Steve Miller Band chestnut fits the times around ol'
ThreadBear of late. I had pictures taken, I had a concept for a Monday post, but the time got away from me. We had a good bit on our "to do" list and if I don't get a post tucked away before we open at 10 a.m., it ain't a-gonna be happening during the day any longer. Heck, I can't get but one or two packages wrapped and out during the day, so there's no way I could dedicate an hour plus/minus to a post while we're open. The foot traffic has been awesome of late, and we're very grateful. And the UPS driver is getting a little surly in recent days (too many deliveries? the entire "I'm glad to have the job security" thing worn off? who knows......he was a jerk yesterday......and those who know me won't be surprised that I flipped some jerk back at him....LOL...if you start it, I'm gonna get the last word--just ask
Matt). By the way--have you seen?
Matt posted two days in a row.....and one of them is about
ThreadyBear. Faithful readers will remember a small debacle back in May of this year.......then a move here, our wild autumn, and the holidays......but finally, yarn is ordered, the pattern is ready, and we'll be teaching an Introduction to Fair Isle Knitting class starting in about 10 days. Don't worry--I think there's a knit-along brewing (based on comments on Matt's blog since yesterday). I don't have details, but I'm sure he does over at
Monday, Monday............we had a fun one, filled with friends and customers coming by all day, busy with attempting to assemble four or five yarn company orders (one was completed, by Matt), and then a surprise visit by
Lana and Josh, who came over for the evening for dinner and whatever else you cannot expect around here. We all ended up at a local pseudo-Mongolian barbecue place that we love (did I hear
someone burping in the background?), came back home, said our goodbyes, and Matt and I worked on stuff again until about 1:30 a.m. Yeah, such the glamorous life. But I wouldn't trade it for anything, trust me. We have incredible friends and we're very fortunate. On to the knitting!
I'm on another scarf bender, this time working with more of the
new yarns and
patterns at the
Crystal Palace website. I adore these folks--fantastic yarns and patterns for them that are big fun. And it appears that they are releasing a new pattern every day lately--they're up to
52 different scarves and more coming, according to someone on the phone last night when I was ordering a disgustingly huge amount of yarn and needles to arrive late next week. EEEEEEEEEEEK. Probably four LARGE boxes, if not more. But here's what I've been doing with it (in addition to the purple and green scarves shown in the last post)

Left to right, they are a
Deco Ribbon-Splash scarf, a
Musique-Fizz scarf, a new pattern for a
Tingle+Deco Ribbon scarf (
Tingle isn't available until mid-January, so I subbed Kertzer Fizz), a
Splash-Squiggle scarf (in the very colorway they suggest at the bottom of the pattern), and then across the bottom the
Labrador-Fizz crocheted scarf. They've all been whipped up over the weekend (Saturday/Sunday), as there wasn't much knitting time yesterday, as you can imagine. I really like the Deco-Tingle scarf (using Kertzer Fizz). Here's a closeup of that one (colors by Matt--he's amazing)

It's a very light-weight scarf and would make a great accent into the spring, especially in fun/bright colors. And speaking of light-weight scarves, I think I'm going to knit with this today

and create the scarf in
this pattern. The "yarn" (and I use that term loosely) is quite odd, and the bag came with a warning on it--to wind the hank into a ball with the swift in the vertical, NOT horizontal, position (it's a little slippery and I'd imagine it would skid right off the swift). You'll see it here.......hopefully soon. I have embarked upon another knitting adventure, which is a larger project (jacket) using a commercial pattern--you'll see it later, but I have finished a small, small piece of it. Low Helen and I decided on some color stuff the other night and I whipped out a gauge swatch and a little more then. It's gonna be FUN..........
We did have several boxes delivered yesterday, which included a big ol' batch of Shepherd Sock from Lorna's Laces. (oooh ooooh! They've cooked up five new multis and a new nearly-solid to be released in February 2004--I've ordered two bags of each in Shepherd Sock and Shepherd Sport, so we get some of the first batches out the door!). See the goodness that just arrived

Also included was some phenomenally soft yarn for a certain Barb in Canada

That's three different colorways of Lorna's Laces Angel--a 70% angora/30% lambswool blend that takes the dye in an incredible way, probably something to do with the halo from the fiber blend (so says Deb, who's the goddess of good fiber). From left to right they are Clay, Tuscany, and Seaside. I'm in lust with the Clay. Also in the batch was

More Angel, this time for Meg in Chicago. Megster asked if we could get ahold of this in the nick of time and got lucky--the very day Lorna's called to say they were shipping Meg requested this yarn, and coincidentally they had exactly four on hand in the very colorway she wanted--Happy Valley. Meg--take that as a giant indicator that you're living right. These little beauties await transport back to Chicago with your friends in a couple weeks. In the mean time, they will be loved here and treated very well. I'm not sure what is spurring this interest in Angel, and we're thinking about adding it to the yarns that we carry (it's just sooooooo soft and soooo beautiful), but I'm sure that anyone who sees
Theresa's awesome scarf over at
Keyboard Biologist (LOVE her redesign!) can understand (she even freely shares the pattern she used for her scarf, of her own design). Her version uses the colorway Aslan that she picked up from us recently. Granted, the folks at
Lorna's are out for the holidays, but if you're interested in having some of your very own, I will gladly special-order any
colorway your little heart desires, and then you, too, can have a soft and amazing piece of knitting. TREAT YOURSELF! (grin).
Also in the incoming boxes yesterday (not to mention more Brown Sheep, mostly Lamb's Pride worsted--all backorders) was a small batch of Lana Grossa yarns. The first of the new stuff we just ordered a couple weeks ago has started to arrive, and all of the summer yarns we ordered have been requested and await delivery to the USA from Germany. WAHOO! In the mean time, we did get a brand new and rather fun yarn called Leggero and Leggero Stripe, in a few of the colors available (more are coming--they're on backorder).

The cool part is that three of them stripe (you can see the subtle color changes in the skeins above). This yarn is a chunky weight (4 sts/inch) and is 100% microfiber---very, very soft stuff, and it has a very cushy texture, almost like a terrycloth feel, but much softer. Our great yarn rep (HI JUDY) and I both compared it to Snowflake, but without the icky crunchy texture of that yarn (this stuff is P-L-U-S-H). It's new in the States, despite being used for some of the designs in the
Childrens' Filati that was released earlier this fall (and shown here). Check out this cute hoodie using the blue solid

and this adorable striped hoodie

Big fun, and small effort---it takes advantage of the self-striping nature of the yarn. Or use two colorways together for a fun effect

And in the same issue there's even a scarf pattern that uses this yarn

I'm just thrilled that we've decided to stock a good bit of
Lana Grossa yarns--they're unique, they're reasonably priced (not bargain yarns, but reasonable for the quality and very fun textures and designs), and they're readily available (no horrid backorders). Plus we have a fab sales rep (I've said this before) who's very honest with us about the yarns (she's been to Germany to see the operation and to meet the key folks there). Plus that whole "Free Pattern of the Month" thing (on their
website, on the left side). Nice!
I leave you with a thought for the day.........how do you know when you've overdressed for an occasion?

I mean, what should you wear when you have fantastic accessories like this hat? I think the knitted dress suits it, no? And how about that cardboard-cutout of a date? Doesn't everyone wear knitted fashions when they go out on a date and go burro riding? I hope to see this on the next episode of Elimidate...........