Frivolity, In Abundance
Long-time readers will remember my hesitation in starting to stock scarfie yarns, flashy yarns, and the like, since I'm such a traditionalist in my knitting (I claim to be a big fan of texture/Aran knitting, followed closely by felting, then fair isle). Well, recent readers know how wild I am over these crazy yarns--the more wild the better, it appears. And yesterday's deliveries are no exception.

Whisper, from Crystal Palace. $7.80 a skein retail, $7.02 from us. I made
one of these two weeks ago when the first two colors arrived, and now we have them all. It's extremely soft microfiber yarn, and it could be very fun in concert with other yarns (they show a total of five new patterns for Whisper on their new page that has
patterns organized by yarn type). I think I might sneak out another quickie in one of the new colors, just for fun.
Also new yesterday would be four colourways of
Tingle, a really thick eyelash for a big impact. Again, six great ideas for it on the
patterns page, including trim on a
quick-knit hat, a
scarf or
two, and more. Here's what we have so far, with more coming

You know I'm gonna be playing with this stuff shortly.......
And of course, we got more of the same two shades of
Squiggle, with the remainder of the colourways (solids and multis) coming in a couple weeks.

They have a number of free patterns for this fun yarn, and I've made three examples so far (you've seen them here).
Saturday I'm teaching a sock knitting class, so I'll need to do a little knitting along with my class. Since the other three socks I have started right now are past the point I need to use for illustrative purposes (how's that for justification???, but they's past the heel flap, one's on the foot, and the other is a textured pattern that I don't want to use for an example...SEE), I'll need to start something new for the class. So I have decided that I absolutely must knit with this

That's Interlacements in colourway 206--Las Vegas Brights. We had several come in with the order on Monday, and I'm always drawn to BRIGHT colors, so it was a natural choice. Here's how it looks wound into a ball, which more closely approximates how this fun yarn will knit up

Nice..........very nice. And since there's two pairs of socks in this one hank, I'm going to do one following my favorite basic sock pattern on the planet from Nancy Lindberg (good for any size foot and any type of yarn) and the other using an afterthought heel, which is the topic of study for our local sock knitting group that meets next Monday. So I've got to knit an entire sock leg, put in the waste yarn, then finish the foot, between now and Wednesday the 14th. EEEEK. I guess I need to be devoting more time to knitting! Wahoo!!!!!!!
Speaking of socks and next week, we ordered the new collection of Opal for delivery next week. Behold the beauty of Magic

Set for a Tuesday arrival, we have some of every combination coming, and several folks have preordered theirs (someone's doing one of every colourway). This collection comes to us at the new price (thanks to the strong Euro), so back on December 18th Opal went up to $14.99 retail a ball (one ball does a pair of socks for most feet, remember), which means we'll have it for our usual 10% off every item, every day, or $13.49.
Preorder with a simple e-mail, as usual. We'll begin shipping on Wednesday, most likely, after we check in the 150+ skeins that are headed our way.
Matt had a full house last night for our "Introduction to Fair Isle Knitting" class. Thanks to the lovely and talented Low Helen (who also hunted down and bagged some awesome Chinese food for us, since we couldn't leave the house and needed to eat before class), it was a rousing success, from what I could tell. Seven locals started their way down the path of color knitting with some great success, practicing color knitting, and picking their colourway from any of
SIXTY FOUR different combinations he's created. So as not to steal his thunder, I'm going to direct you to
his blog for more information. I think there's also a ThreadyBear knit-along gearing up, complete with a Yahoo! group. Go visit him to learn more. But I'll let you in on a little secret---of the eight boxes of yarn that arrived yesterday, three were Jamieson 2-ply spindrift (the stuff that
Wendy lives for....) and two are waist-high and packed with yarn (the third is short and still full, but not as impressive). YUM YUM YUM!!!!
For now, I'm off to get ready to open the shop and get back to packing boxes and making yarn dreams come true. I'll be in touch with those who've been ordering of late, getting yarn out and being in touch about things. Thanks for reading and hurry back just never know what I'll have in these parts.....