'Tis The Season..........
Sorry for the day off yesterday, but it was anything BUT a day off. The past two days have been wildly busy, between the shop during the day (Wednesday is typically a very busy day, between arrival of goods, me sending out the weekly newsletter e-mail, and our being open until 9 p.m.), fun classes in the evening, and assorted other things to accomplish. Our main focus for the week, outside of the daily operations of ThreadBear, has been preparing for a holiday art show/fair. It's that time of year (thus the title of today's post). LynnH is doing one in Lansing, MI; QueerJoe is scarfing himself into oblivion for one, and Matt left at 7:30 this morning (about an hour ago) headed to Indianapolis, to represent us at Tis the Season at the NCAA Hall of Champions today and tomorrow. This one is a function of the Indianapolis Art Center, where we have items on consignment in the Basile Gift Shop and participate in their annual Broad Ripple Art Fair (which is where I designed and knitted the Broadripple Socks for Knitty this past summer)."What does this have to do with why you weren't here yesterday?", you might ask. Well, on top of regular duties and things, we had not had the time to organize, tag, price, and inventory our goods that we've been creating over the past few months in anticipation of this weekend. Wednesday evening we had scarfers here until after 10 p.m. and we were bushed, so it fell to Thursday. Thursday (yesterday) was a rainy day here, so we weren't too busy in the shop, but we had fallen behind in getting e-mail orders taken care of, so several of you should expect packages in the coming days, as we worked on mail order yesterday (and I'll continue that today in the hopes of catching up). Then there was the "learn to knit and make your first scarf" workshop last night, where five newbies were introduced to the joys of knitting and started projects. We ate after the workshop, around 9:15 (with Low Helen, who graciously helped out with the class since she can't knit right now---THANKS HELEN!) and about 10 p.m. we started in earnest. We called it quits around 2:30 a.m., got up at 6:15 this morning, and I wrapped up the last of the computer paperwork while Matt prepped to leave. He's probably on the outskirts of Indy right now, so we're right on target. I'll disappear into the back as soon as I'm done here, and we'll open at 10 a.m. as per usual. WHEW! Mission accomplished, but barely! I hope things go well today, but whatever doesn't sell at the show will go on consignment in the Basile Gift Shop at the Center. Supposedly folks have been itchin' to see what we've got that's new for the holidays---so here's a few!
I haven't done much knitting in the past few days, but here's a progress shot on the Opal sock I started earlier this week

I knit on this in line at the post office every day, so there's always SOME progress, but not much of late. But it's fun to watch the new designs appear. Maybe I'll get to work on it a little bit later today, if I can get to the Post Office (maybe LOW HELEN will rescue me around 4:30 today and let me mail boxes).
Earlier in the week (Monday) we did receive a big batch of Plymouth yarns, and inside was something that was a special order for one of our "back East" custo-friends (HI JENNIFER). It's a very unusual yarn

That's Geisha Print Microfibra by Le fibre Nobili (as if you can't read that much from the label). It's exceptionally soft as it is 100% microfiber (you knew that, even if you don't speak Italian and read the label above) and the color is wild. I'm not much for oranges and yellows (being the pasty white blondie that I am--even if it is dark blonde, JoJo......), but this stuff is kinda fun. And here's about 10 minutes of knitting progress from 3 a.m. in the morning

Big needles, big yarn, big fun. I'm hoping to finish one or two of these today so Matt can take them with for tomorrow's day of fun and sales. We'll see what I can accomplish, given that it may well be a busy day (but I have excellent assistants--right Anne & Martha?). Either way, I know I can knock out this scarf at least.
That's about it for now.....time to go light candles, tidy up, and maybe get together an order for notions and needles, and maybe Nancy Lindberg patterns (oh, how I love her stuff, especially the knit-to-fit ones and in particular the sock pattern---the ONLY one I teach with and swear by). Have an awesome Friday, go visit a friend who may be staffing a booth at an art/craft show near you, and knit a little for yourself for a change. It's good to be a greedy knitter! BE WELL!