Different Verse, Same As The First
Yeah, yeah, yeah....I've been knitting. But it's not very exciting at this stage, as the front looks alot like the back, given where I am on the progress front
That's just two rows above the armhole cuts, so it's not very exciting for you to see. It still feels amazing in knitted fabric, and one concern I had at the onset of this project was that the yarn looked a little "splitty", as it is many fine plies of yarn. Let me just state for the record--I cannot STAND splitty yarns, so I had major concerns about this project. I'm completely confident in stating that this yarn does NOT split while you're knitting with it!
More progress pictures, you say? Well...ok. Here's the Castagna sock in progress

I've finished the heel flap and turned the heel, so I have to pick up the gussets and get busy on the foot. Completion is within sight!
On the "new goods at the shop" front, we received four of the five new designs from Noni a couple weeks ago. Here they are

I love the Prism bag (the two-color design is lovely), and the other two are structurally interesting to me. The Peony looks quite pretty, too! There is one more design that just arrived on Tuesday of this week

That's the Adventure Bag, which has three different size options. If you're curious about how it looks in use, here's an over-the-shoulder shot

It's stylish and functional, all in one, and you know we have a shop model in progress already.
Each bag design is $8 and the flower is $5.50, and we have ample stock if you're interested in making some of your own. Just contact the shop (866-939-BEAR, toll free) or slip me an e-mail and we can get the ball rolling.
Off to knit more, so I can show some exciting sleeve progress!