Why I Love What I Do, So Very Much
Well, besides getting to fondle yarn, thumb through books and patterns, and make a living from knitting/crocheting/spinning/tons of hard work......of course! Check this out
It's easy to love what you do when you get to spend time with great people, and yes, that's Lucy Neatby, just sitting around the shop tonight, knitting on one of her Sea Lettuce Scarves. Yup, Lucy Neatby is here, she hung out with us last night on our back deck, and we've got her for the next three days for workshops (Color Knitting, Double Knitting, and Even Cooler Socks). Oh, the joys of what I do!
Speaking of Lucy, we received a HUGE shipment of her wares today, just in time for the workshops. We're probably one of the first places in the country to have her brand-spankin'-new DVDs for sale....see

Yup, all four of the Knitting Gems series, the Double Knitting DVD, and the Finesse Your Knitting DVD. Each runs $29.95 and they're here and ready for immediate shipping. Same goes for these, too

The original two DVDs and the two sock technique DVDs.
We're doing a little special on bundles right now.....if you want a copy of all ten

The stack would run you $299.50, but we're going $290 for all ten. See, a nice, tidy collection

If you want the six new ones, that would be $179.70 regularly, and we're going $175 for that set. Questions? Please contact the shop via e-mail or call us toll free at 866-939-BEAR.
Saturday was our Manos del Uruguay Block Of The Month group, and we had over 30 people here for the session (several couldn't be here this month and I bet we'll be going up over 40 next month). Here's a great example of a finished project (AWESOME WORK, CAROL!) from the last iteration of this group, which happened a couple years ago.

Wow, what an amazing throw (complete with Matt's hand in the upper left)! Some of my current folks are highly motivated, too. Check out the strip progress by Marynia, who was NOT present for the first meeting a month ago and started her fourth block with us on Saturday

Excellent work....I call it "Still Life on A Car Hood". No matter what you call it, it's a lovely start to a stunning finished project.
I'm outta here for today--still no knitting progress to speak of. I did some serious swatching this weekend and started the back of a garter stitch cardi (zzzzzzzz for knitting, but pretty fabric). Some day soon I'll show it off.