It's Been THAT Kinda Week
Sorry for the lack of posting, but this picture about sums up our week around here
Even the dogs are beat. Connor's so tired she's pouring off the couch up front (picture taken just minutes ago). It's been a wild one, and I'm working hard to get caught up--I fully admit to being a little behind, but I'll also tell you that those who may be concerned about hearing from us, please know that I'm working hard to get my part of the mail order side of ThreadBear caught up again. I've been staying up until ungodly hours every evening this week, trying to get caught up. And we had many pre-orders of several of the yarns we've gotten in over the past couple days. I am packing envelopes and boxes like mad and about to be caught up,

but for now, patience is the watchword. I'm trying!!!!!!! I swear! (and I always feel so bad when we get behind and things don't happen immediately for folks). That entire stack has been packed since 11 p.m. EST tonight (yes, over the past four hours, as I'm writing this at 3:14 a.m.). If you've pre-ordered the Opal Magic collection, most of it is in the stack. So now it's off to bed shortly, so I can get up and start it all over again tomorrow. But tomorrow adds a special dimension--I'm cooking for Third Thursday, so I'll be back in the kitchen a good bit......while Matt visits with the lawyer we've retained for the zoning hearing and case. She's suppsed to be just incredible, so maybe that will help. Otherwise, we don't know much more (or less) than when you spoke with us. Thank you for the well wishes and for the interest in our plight.
I expect a tonnage of Noro on Friday...mmmmmmmmmm, good stuff! And plenty of it! And silly me--I believe them. We've received a good bit of yarn this week and I'm working (in concert with the folks we've hired to help us in the shop on a part time basis). Here's the new stock of Crystal Palace Fizz that arrived on Tuesday as a part of the SEVEN boxes we received from them

I'm smitten with one of their new patterns that uses Deco and the new Tingle. Ya gotta love their sense of style AND whimsey!
There's plenty more from these folks in other boxes here and there in the shop, waiting to be shelved

And we have all but one shade of Splash back in stock (Tidepool remains on backorder). This stuff sells like mad here--soon everyone in Bartholomew County, Indiana, will own a Splash scarf of some sort. Low Helen spotted one on a young girl at church recently (HI HELEN). But I think my favorite thing in this order was the entire box just crammed full of this stuff

That's their Waikiki, a fun cotton/rayon yarn with awesome sheen and texture. It will make great spring/summer decorative scarves, and I'm going to knit a pullover using this and Cotton Chenille held together. Soon.......soon.........soon.
I mentioned that many of the package that filled the plastic US Mail tub in the picture above were of Opal Magic, a new collection that just arrived from Germany. I think the colors in the picture (linked above) are nice, but in person they are much more beautiful and very bright. Check them out

That's all ten of them--if you're curious about how they knit up, there's model socks at the link just above as well as knitted swatches done by the folks at the US distributor's offices. We ordered all ten colors, as you can see, but there's a couple that are going REALLY fast (1043--pink is flying out the door). The orange and the purple are also rather stunning, in my opinion, and the green is VERY true and fun. Good stuff, even if they did raise the price of all OPAL starting with this collection.
Matt and his fair isle class met last night (at the same time as our local sock-making group--good thing we have plenty of space and many sofas) and they got started on their teddy bear sweaters. Here's the makin's, all laid out and nice and neat in boxes.

They had the bags all sorted into individual stacks earlier in the day, and the color was JUST AMAZING. I'm so glad we have this yarn (Jamieson 2-ply Spindrift) in abundance for the shop. Most of it will be going to folks involved in Matt's ThreadyBear Project far and wide across the internet.
I mentioned that our local sock group met Wednesday night. That means I had time to make some progress on my Little Toes sock you saw the cuff of on Monday. Here it was after Tuesday (I had a tish of knitting time that afternoon, waiting)

and here it is again, with the completed heel flap and the heel turned

We did meet with a yarn rep on Wednesday from 1 p.m. until about 6:15 p.m. (right up until Matt's class was going to start). He represents EuroYarns, a division of Knitting Fever (the "punctual" folks who handle a wide variety of yarns). To see his lines, look on the left part of the KFI window, but also add Katia. We ordered significant amounts of these yarns for spring/summer, and some amazing colors and textures. Soon great stuff from Schachenmayr (including a new sock program with their new sock yarns and other fun yarns), Jo Sharp summer lines, some from Mondial, some amazing things from On Line including the full line of their Clip--a fab cotton, and this wild stuff from EuroYarns. We've had some major logistical issues with this distributor (KFI in general) and we are very hesitant to work with them from here forward, but we have not purchased from this division before. We spoke at length with the rep, and he gave us good advice for managing our purchases as well as his assurance of help in making things happen. Yeah, he's a salesman deep down, but we'll give this division a try. If they respond like the other divisions, they'll get the same treatment as the other arms--"yes, it's nice yarn--when I can get it from you--but we're not planning on relying on that happening so we're looking to other lines who are more reliable". Those of you out there in reader land who work at or are intimately familiar with the operations of your LYS know exactly what I'm talking end of rant for now. They've got their chance, we'll see how they respond.
While we met with Jesse I was knitting while looking over cards and deciding how much to overspend on yarn. I did finally finish the Mango Moon Recycled Silk scarf from hell. I've made a dozen or so of these since September, when the yarn first arrived, but for some reason this particular hank had several issues (mainly that the yarn came untwisted and I had to knot it several times along with way). This was a new experience for me with Recycled Silk, and I'm not happy about it, but it is an unusual yarn with an unusual manufacturing process, so I'll write it off to a single skein with some drama inside. The scarf turned out nice

Cut to 9 a.m. Thursday morning---I tried to post this last night, but as I was composing I was falling asleep. Have you ever been at the keyboard and dozing off at the same time? Your subconscious (or at least mine) comes out and you just type whatever is in your mind at the time. I looked up at the screen a few times after my head had lolled to one side or the other or fallen forward and there were complete thoughts down, but it was mainly jibberish or completely disjointed. So I called it quits, got up about 8:30 this morning, and finished the post. Enjoy, come by and knit and eat if you're in the area (I'm going to put on a pot of my red sauce for lasagna, make manicotti, do a few other things, and three desserts.....see you around 6:30 p.m. EST?). Be well, stay warm, and GET KNITTIN"!