The First Snow of the Season
As many loyal readers are aware, I'm a BIG fan of snow and winter weather. Fall is my favorite season, but I am a snow afficianado. Imagine my joy when I woke up around 6:15 this morning to this
and looked out off the deck to see this
and eventually the deck took on this appearance

Poor Connor....I caught her in a most delicate position when we went out this morning

that's her first morning walk with snow on her back this season! And coming back across the back deck, she wasn't happy with the crunch underfoot

Where's Tate in all of this excitement? Big surprise, here....

He couldn't be bothered. And truth be told, he stayed in that very same position until after 11:30 this morning, when we left the house to head into the shop. Other than to go out and to consume her breakfast, Connor wouldn't budge this morning, either. They loaded up into the Explorer and waited while I cleared this

as they were offering NO help whatsoever.
The snow continued all day (it continues as I write this entry) and we had near white-out conditions at least three times during the day. While it isn't really sticking to sidewalks and streets, it is sticking to cars and rooftops and trees and grassy areas. It's a picture-perfect snow, in my opinion--big flakes, sticky wet for snowball making, and just darned purty!
More on my knitting shortly--I've been a VERY busy boy, whipping out shop models and playing with new merchandise for the shop!