Who knew I'd lose track of all of my time this week??? Not me, that's for sure.The beagle (or beagle/basset mix--we're not sure) is an adorable, sweet, loving boy. Matt and I got home late on Thursday evening from the shop and I briefly laid down on the bed, and up hopped a sweet puppy dog. Not only did he lay on the bed with me, he snuggled up right next to my rib cage and dropped his head on my shoulder. Major awwwwwwwwwwwwwww moment, right there!
But over the past few days, I've made a major realization about myself. I'm not yet ready to bring a dog into the family. Plain and simple, I'm not far enough along the "grieving path" over Connor to be the type of pet parent I feel I should be. When Matt brought him home on Tuesday it was a good three hours until I would interact with him--that alone should have been sign number one. But both of us refused to surrender him to a kill shelter (or one where he would potentially be put down), and we had hopes someone would come forward and reunite this sweet dog with their family. Three days of the ad runnning in the local paper and four days of both our local animal control and humane society knowing that we have him, and there's only been one call, and it was a false alarm. And yes, before Matt ever grought him into the house, we had him scanned at the vet right by the shop, but they didn't find a chip.
He's sleeping in the new crate we bought for him, on his cushy pillow inside, snoring like a little sweetheart. I went to take a picture for the beautiful scene, but the battery for the camera is out charging and I don't know where Matt keeps it when it's charging. Dammit---he's so darned cute.
It's not that I couldn't fall in love with this dog, it's not that I don't like this dog, it's not that he wouldn't make a great addition to our family--it's just too early right now for me to have a new dog. I'm sad about it, but I wouldn't be the best dad for him right now, and that makes me wish things were different.
No pictures with this post--I've not gotten any knitting done in the past few days and as of yesterday, we have Amy Singer and Jillian Moreno in town, conducting a series of classes/workshops through Sunday. WOOOHOO! Mayem and hilarious for everyone!