Cleansing Rain
Today we're up over the freezing point, so we're getting a slow, steady rain. Cleansing rain, in many ways. It's melting the snowcone slush that's formed with three days of vehicle traffic (turning it a most unpleasant muck color, like a mud slurpee). Even
Amy wouldn't like this slurpee.
More importantly, I say cleansing rain because I've been able to get over the solar plexis blow of the Explorer being down right now. It's tough not having wheels, and I really hate having to rely on others for rides, even if the
others are significant others (ok, just one significant other....). It's humbling to have to be Miss Daisy, and I'm glad Matt's not minded being Morgan Freeman for the time being. Monday night was funk night for me, as I mentioned below--putting on my gift socks, bummy sweats, and knitting, trying to get over the fact that the vehicle just 15 feet from me outside wouldn't function properly. To add salt to the wound, we had to miss our monthly Knit Night in Franklin, which meant not seeing my friend Eva and the other inspired knitters there, as well as not being there for some out-of-class help for one of my brand new knitters from the Parks and Rec class from last week. But the bright side is that I'm over the funk, we'll deal with the Explorer, and the funding (loan) may come from a wonderful source who shall remain nameless and isn't concerned about speedy payback. I love having a personal saviour!
So what did I do with myself over the past few days, you might ask? View the fruits of my recent labor (and the she-devil Explorer glaring in from outside in the background).

If you have bills to pay, you gotta get productive. So we have a sofa covered in finished goods that need a final fluffing and tagging before being placed at a variety of consigned locations. And I'm stocking up on hats to be wholesaled to another site, thanks to a call they made last week. I've been felting every evening and I revel in the volume of finished goods we've assembled--I'm twisted, as I like to figure out the dollar value of my productivity and link that to specific obligations or uses. Sometimes I make Matt crazy with it, but he's learned to appreciate my focus on finances.
On another happier note, tonight is the second session of beginning knitting at the Rec Center. I'll use Matt's car to get back and forth by myself, so he'll be stranded at home, left to work hard on some contract stuff and to get new goods up on the
ThreadBear site. Last week was a challenge, working with seven novice knitters. If I learned one thing, it was that circular needles are easier for this bunch of newbies to use. They don't seem to have as much trouble with the circulars as they did with straight needles and most were going to hit a hobby store to pick up a set ($3.96 at our local Wal-Mart isn't bad for a learner set). So we'll see how they do tonight, working on purling and binding off.
Tomorrow is our monthly Third Thursday Knit Night, where Matt cleans house, Connor answers the door, I fix some sort of large meal, and anywhere from 15-25 local (and
not so local) knitters show up for an evening of food, fiber, and friendship. It's a tradition we borrowed from the
guild in Lansing, where there's in-home gatherings for knitting and food every week. We do this once a month, and it's a blast! We started the tradition when we first moved to Bloomington back in fall of 2001, and it's grown from a group of about 5 or 6 to as many as 25 in recent months. I have absolutely no idea what I'm cooking, but typically it's a theme--we've done Polish, Thai, soups, rustic Italian, casserole-a-go-go, picnic in December, and so many more. If nothing else, locals are getting a wide variety of new foods to try (every month there's something truly unusual), and there's always at least three decadent dessert items, mainly to appease our local guild coordinator, Dolores, who has a notorious sweet tooth. She's been known to not eat all day just to go overboard at our place.
That's it for now. Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday. And if you're in the area, come by tomorrow--seriously!