Finally, A Quick Report
Yes, I've been knitting. Yes, we've been busy at the shop. Oh, and here's a surprise--YES, I'm actually taking a day off once a week (Tuesdays, two in a row so far...WOW). And imagine this.......I actually was out of town last Saturday, the 30th, on a day trip to the farm at Philosopher's Wool in Inverhuron, Ontario. Here's proof (I'm in the back row, under the left-hand hinge on the barn door...I was wearing an orange shirt).I've been knitting, but there's not really any finished projects to show off...I think it's a little bit of startitis that's been rampant...

That's Chantilly on the very bottom, in a natural-colored denim yarn (more on that early next week). That light blue piece is sweater #1 from the latest Rebecca (the one that Cynthia saved my sanity with the chart correction). The brown/charcoal goodie is the start of something wonderful with a new yarn we'll have for fall (details to follow in a few weeks, as it will be S-L-O-W knitting...but worth every stitch). The watermelon-colored goodie in the back is a top-down t-shirt made with GGH Capri (a new yarn for us and an absolute JOY to knit with). It's all done except running in the ends and adding the collar (this weekend......I swear). So there's proof I've been knitting (I did finish a couple kid's sweaters, so look for those to show up here shortly).
And of course, yarn keeps rolling Lorna's Laces fans will be happy with this's what was in THIS week's delivery:

The lovely Lion & Lamb in various colourways, perfect for catching a case of Clapotis. This is the last batch to come in at the old prices, as there was an increase May 1 (and since we have a conscience, I cannot raise prices on yarn I have already; we only charge the new price when the new yarn comes in at the new cost). So that means it's still $26.10 each.
Next up, the lovely Shepherd Sock

Attention all you sock knitters--$8.32 a skein for now, and look at the awesome colors that came in this time around (I'm a big fan of Mother Lode, for sure). The Mardi Gras is a custom jobber for us and us alone, so we're the ONLY place you can get that fun stuff!
Ok, this one's for the spinners out there (HollyO, are you listening?) Wool top from Lorna's Laces, dyed in their signature colourways

and more

"Old" retail on this stuff was $24, so our price (for now) is $21.60. We have several other combinations at the shop, but these are the newest ones, and we have four bundles of each color combo (bundles are 10 ounces of 100% wool, which will felt, iffin' you are of that bent).
One more item that arrived yesterday............these amazing silk scarves from Lantern Moon

They are 100% silk and are two-toned, with a woven pattern on each end. About six feet in length, they're at least 18" wide. The best part? They're $18 retail, so they're $16.20 from me. WOW....what a bargain!
Interested in claiming any of these goodies as your very own? Drop me a note and we'll start the process and have things in your hands VERY shortly! THANKS!
More on what's up in my little corner of the world shortly, but that's an update for now.