Quick and Small
Projects that is.........that's why I've finished four of them since we last spoke on Wednesday. And that includes taking some time to meet two of our favorite folks, Lana and her husband Josh, for dinner and a movie. I was a little apprehensive about dinner at a sushi house, as I haven't had real sushi since my undergrad days (which were decidedly Reagan era....early/first term Reagan at that.......eeeeeeek). Dinner was incredibly fun and quite tasty and I enjoyed my spicy scallop roll, the tempura, and the yukiniki-something beef (most of which is in the fridge, after stenching up the car while we were in the movie). Oh, and we went to see "Something's Gotta Give" afterwards.........quite the fun movie, with a predictable but sweet ending. I learned about department head hair from Josh after the movie, but that story is for another time ("department head hair" was an actual credit and he made a joke about it as we left the screening room). Suffice to say it was a great evening and I hated to cut it short, as they wanted coffee and I felt the pull to get home and pack boxes of yarn.One of our very advenurous locals, Michelle, showed up during the day to add to our waistlines (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! we enjoyed every bit of it) and to show off her great finished projects. Behold her awesome mohair/ribbon scarf and her completed Lily bag, made with Kureyon #87

Great Job, Michelle! Check out the snow, visible through the window behind her--we had a semi-white Christmas! I hope she likes what her hub got for her at the TBear on Tuesday (snicker--I knew about it and I believe it was kept a secret this time, unlike her birthday present, thanks to an innocent 5-year-old son). Michelle is a fun and fearless knitter........just our type!
Fun stuff showed up on Wednesday, right in the middle of the day.

That's a basket stuffed with a brand new yarn that's not supposed to be available until January--that's Crystal Palace Squiggle, a wild and colorful texture yarn that knits up quickly, especially when held with another yarn. See

That's the Squiggle & Fizz Fern Scarf, in the exact same colors. Very fun and a very quick knit! After that I decided to give the purple (delphinium mix) Squiggle a try

That's the Tingle + Squiggle Scarf, but because Tingle isn't available until mid-January, I used SR Kertzer Fizz instead, with good results. I think this one is next, just for the heck of it. I just adore the free patterns on their website, especially for the scarves. Quick and fun--that's me!
I also finished another scarf today--this one using their new yarn Whisper. No rocket science here, but fun results

We have just two colors in this yarn--this one and a beautiful grey mix. VERY soft........it reminds me of Classic Elite Ibis without the seed nubbies. I bet these yarns are very popular for Spring, and we have every color on order, so as soon as they're available we'll have them on hand.
I also finished another scarf early Christmas morning. It's nothing special, just a combination of Cascade 220 and Crystal Palace Fizz knitted together, but the finished scarf is fun and warm and soft. Here's mine, nearly completed

Sometimes I felt these, but not a hard felting like you would clogs or a handbag, but half felted (until the wool stitches blur). It still has a nice drape, but the fabric is quite solid and WARM. One skein of the 220 and two balls of Fizz will get you going........not bad for under $20.
With that, I'm off for now. More pictures soon, I promise. And more fun and easy projects for you to consider making FOR YOURSELF, now that the holidays are nearly over. Stay warm, knit a lot, and come back soon!